Confidence In Fear
Sunday, March 16
Psalm 27:1-6
About a year ago, I was diagnosed with skin cancer and was told I would probably need to have a portion of my lip removed—only three weeks after noticing an abnormality on my lip. A week later I was having surgery, scared and praying for a miracle; I felt the presence of God tangibly. One hour later I was told that the cancer that should have been there was gone!
Most people in David’s situation would probably feel hopeless. Armies, enemies, and war all around. But instead of living in that fear, David boasts confidence in the Lord. He had hope amidst darkness because he had been there before and come out on the other side. When you are able to boast “no fear,” it comes from a place of experiencing God’s presence in the fear, saying, “You are not alone.” David almost laughs in the fear by worshiping and making music to the Lord. That may seem like a radical response, but I encourage you today in whatever you are facing to choose hope and confidence over fear.
Spiritual practice: Listen to “I am Not Alone,” by Kari Jobe, or “Fear Is Not My Future,” by Brandon Lake.
Lord, may our prayer today be that no matter what we face, we seek to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of our lives. Amen.
Confidence In The Darkness
Monday, March 17
Psalm 27:7-14
This psalm seems almost desperate in asking to be heard. Yet there is a holy confidence that David has, almost commanding it, as if he is trying to convince himself. Many of us have probably experienced this feeling of distance from God. Fear and the enemy are talking when we feel abandoned, but the psalm doesn’t stop at desperation; there is redemption and hope to trust in the new beginning.
For all David’s experiences, he remains confident in the goodness of God now, on earth. There is a charge to wait, to be strong and take heart. I have found in some of my darkest days, gratitude and worship can change my outlook and trajectory. I encourage you today to take some time in solitude with God to be grateful, even if just for one thing.
Spiritual practice: Listen to “Alive and Breathing,” by Matt Maher, or “Comfort,” by Bethany Barnard. Write a handwritten thank you note.
Gracious God, thank you for your presence in the waiting and in the dark places. Amen.
Confidence In Our Limitations
Tuesday, March 18
Psalm 39:4-7
During high church seasons like Lent, we tend to read Scripture differently, seeing and even experiencing it in a new way. Today’s psalm seems to be a funeral song or liturgy, which is poignant for this season when we contemplate deeper intimacy, often through suffering and affliction, that our only hope is in Jesus and his sacrifice for us. This part of Psalm 39 gives us a picture through a blink or a breath, short instances that pass sometimes without acknowledgment but are still significant. This psalm demonstrates, especially in this season of Lent, the frailty and brevity of life. David acknowledges the brevity and focuses on what matters. He asks God directly to show him his limitations, knowing that boundaries show us the end of ourselves and the necessity of Christ, the hope of Jesus with us and in us.
Spiritual practice: Listen to “Alive and Breathing,” by Matt Maher.
Jesus, thank you for breath and for life and the reminder of how quickly our lives pass. May we live in the confidence of this day you have given to be used to the fullness of who we are to share you with others. Amen.
Confidence In Belief
Wednesday, March 19
Genesis 15:1-6
I have personally never had a vision from God, but I have had dreams and felt the Holy Spirit’s presence. We have examples over and over in Scripture of belief without seeing—and most of those examples start with fear! Many encounters with the Holy start with the words “Do not be afraid.” Visions, burning bushes, and the presence of angels show us belief without seeing. We, too, can trust in the One making the promise or the covenant that even the impossible can happen. In this season may our response in the face of obstacles, even impossibilities, be belief. The One backing the promise is the One who will rise from the grave!
Spiritual practice: Listen to “Christ the Lord Is with Me” by Steffany Gretzinger and reflect on a time when God has shown up.
God of the impossible, meet us in our unbelief and help us to see you even when everything else seems impossible. Amen.
Confidence In Deliverance And Rest
Thursday, March 20
Psalm 3
Have you ever seen the short video of a UCLA basketball player walking down the court after he caused a turnover and his teammate coming alongside him and lifting his head up? He doesn’t say anything, he just lifts his teammate’s head. David talks of God doing the same thing for him in this psalm. Although he is crying out in lament, he is doing so in the sacred and holy confidence that God will deliver him, because he has witnessed God doing it before. He even goes so far as to say that even though he is literally surrounded on every side, he can sleep, because the Lord will wake him up! We can draw a parallel here of Jesus commending his spirit into his Father’s hands, doing so in full confidence of resurrection.
Spiritual practice: Listen to “Lead Me to the Cross,” by Brooke Fraser, and “Lean Back,” by Amanda Cook and Chris McClarney. Take some time to practice the presence of God today.
God of rest, may we allow you to hold us in your arms, to relinquish control to you as the author of our stories for good and for your glory. Amen.
Confidence In Identity
Friday, March 21
Philippians 3:17-4:1
When I turned forty, I had a significant crisis of identity. So much in my life had changed and was still changing, and it left me asking the question, “Who am I?” This passage shows Paul reminding the followers in Philippi that their citizenship is in heaven. When we get confused about who we are or the enemy causes us to doubt what to do, go to Jesus. When all the things around us are pulling at us, we can put it all off and pursue Jesus, sharing in Christ’s suffering, knowing that the power of his resurrection enables us to bring everything under his control. It allows us to seek humility, to be self-sacrificial, to serve and love our neighbor because Jesus did the same for us in his journey to the cross. Our example of who we are is Jesus, and our example of how to live is Jesus.
Spiritual practice: Listen to “Out of Hiding,” by Steffany Gretzinger, and “Worthy of My Song,” by Phil Wickham.
Jesus, in your journey to the cross, you saw all of me and still chose to endure it. Thank you. May I live today seeking you. Amen.
Confidence In The Impossible
Saturday, March 22
Psalm 101:1-4
When I first read this passage, it almost struck me as an impossible campaign promise from someone coming into a new office or position. In a sense, David was drawing up a roadmap to kingship. However, this road map from David comes out of overflow of a God whom David has been witness to. He says these words not out of naïve boasting, but out of seeing that God is a God of the impossible! This is an authentic and honest solemn vow of how David wanted to lead out the overflow of his relationship with God. David could make this vow because he had experienced the true nature of God.
Spiritual practice: Listen to “Forever,” by Kari Jobe. Take some time today to focus your heart on this week’s theme of confidence. Realize that we have the power of the risen Savior behind us when we pray! Be bold, be expectant, and seek Jesus!
Good God, may we strive to pray out of the expectancy of what we know you can do. Allow us to boldly approach you to sing of your love and justice, knowing it will be done! Amen.