
Who is the Evangelical Covenant Church?
The Covenant values the Bible as the word of God and connected with the living Christ. We celebrate the gift of God’s grace and ever-deepening spiritual life that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. We believe in the importance of extending God’s love and compassion and participating in advancing God’s justice in a broken world.
The Evangelical Covenant Church is: Evangelical, but not exclusive Biblical, but not doctrinaire Traditional, but not rigid Congregational, but not independent
What covenant do we make with one another?
In order to live out this identity, we covenant with each other.
We cultivate communities of worship committed to prayer, preaching, and study of the word; the celebration of the sacraments; and relationships across gender, ethnicity, age, culture, and socioeconomic status. We equip loving, giving, growing Christians to reach out with the good news of Jesus Christ—evangelizing the lost, ministering to those in need, and seeking justice for the oppressed.

What are our mission priorities?
Our mission priorities guide us in living out our covenant commitments. We believe so strongly in these five priorities that we have organized our ministry life around them.