Love Mercy Do Justice
We equip the local church to serve in the areas of criminal justice, domestic disaster response, immigration, intercultural development, community development ministry, economic justice, abuse advocacy, and racial righteousness.
Love Mercy Do Justice
How We Help Fix a Broken World
Criminal Justice
Alongside partners throughout the denomination, we work together to educate, equip, connect, and empower congregations to be the hands and feet of Christ in the midst of the complexities of the criminal justice system.

Ministry Development
We help your congregation or organization imagine creative approaches to transformational community development work in such areas as youth empowerment, financial literacy, returning citizen re-entry, living wage employment, and a wide array of other targeted and impactful initiatives. Ministry development grants are available for Covenant churches that are responding to the needs of their community.
Racial Righteousness
We are commissioned to make God’s name known and love shown throughout the world. Our racial righteousness and reconciliation ministries unpack what this looks like within a divided world. We offer Bible studies, immersive learning experiences, and congregational learning opportunities to help churches understand the biblical and theological basis for racial righteousness and reconciliation.

Safe Sanctuaries
The Evangelical Covenant Church addresses intimate partner violence, including domestic violence and sexual assault, through the Safe Sanctuaries initiative. This program, rooted in our foundational commitment to advocating for victims, acknowledges the reality of brokenness and sin in the world.
Intercultural Development

Domestic Disaster Response
Love Mercy Do Justice works in coordination with Covenant World Relief & Development, regional conferences, and local congregations who have partnerships with organizations on the ground in affected areas, to respond to those in need during times of disaster.
The Free Initiative
The Free initiative, in partnership with Serve Globally, is an anti-sex trafficking initiative of the Evangelical Covenant Church.

Immersive Learning Experiences are transformative opportunities that invite us to step beyond the confines of our daily routines and unite with fellow believers to explore the Purposeful Narrative woven through the lives of our neighbors and God’s unwavering sovereignty, even amidst tumultuous times.
The Evangelical Covenant Church aims to join God’s mission for more disciples among diverse populations in a caring and just world. Guided by the questions, “Where is it written?” and “How goes your walk?”, we provide this curated resource to support and enhance communal conversations in today’s polarized season. These resources offer a biblical foundation for challenging discussions, rooted in our new life in Christ and informed by Jesus’ life and ministry.
The first iteration of what will become a series of Bible studies focused on justice, racial righteousness, and the mosaic nature of the kingdom of God.
This course provides opportunities to hear from people directly impacted by the criminal justice system and resources for community engagement.
A printable and video curriculum for kids that explores the theology and practical application of the justice journey for both the church and home, available in English and Spanish.
Assessments and practical tools to move churches along in their intercultural comprehension and development.
Click below for resources on immigration and the Church.

Welcoming the Stranger: A Covenant Tradition
The Covenant Church began as an immigrant community, shaping our legacy of hospitality. In today’s climate, how can we honor this history and reaffirm our call to welcome?

Following Jesus: A Call to Courage and Commitment
Rev. Sanetta Ponton calls the church to live out true discipleship with courage, sacrifice, and justice every day. Don’t miss this powerful message!

Covenant Churches Rally Amid California Wildfire Devastation
As California fires devastate communities, Covenant churches unite to bring hope, aid, and Christ’s love amidst tragedy.

Advent: Hope in All Circumstances
Benny Rios DonJuan reflects on renewed hope in God’s mercy, even amidst physical and emotional captivity.

A Testimony from the Ground in Florida
Recently retired global personnel Pete Ekstrand traveled to Sarasota, Florida, to help Covenanters with the hurricane recovery.

Covenanters Band Together for Hurricane Response
Covenant pastors in North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia reflect on the toll of Hurricanes Helene and Milton.