Make & Deepen Disciples
We foster discipleship through resources, events, and generational ministries.
A disciple is someone who follows Jesus, is transformed by Jesus, and is on mission with Jesus. The Evangelical Covenant Church aims to mobilize a multiethnic movement of disciples who make disciples across all ages.
Make & Deepen Disciples
Our Generational Ministries
A child who encounters formational resources to learn about Jesus at an early age is more likely to be a lifelong disciple. Because this age is so critical, we equip churches with discipleship materials for children that is focused on worship, Scripture, creation care, justice, evangelism, and more. Equip Your Children >>
The next generation is not like the previous one. To reach new generations of disciples, we help local churches by creating resources and events specifically designed for young people, with materials and experiences that inspire and equip youth leaders. Equip Your Youth >>
Young Adults
There are a number of Covenant programs and experiences aimed at nurturing the faith and character of Christian disciples. These include Alaska Christian College, Acts 29, Solid Rock Discipleship, and CRUX at North Park University. Contact Us >>
Boomers & Beyond
Crescendo focuses on unleashing the missional potential of boomers and beyond. Coaches and resource specialists engage leaders in planning ministries targeting these age groups. Discover Crescendo >>
How We Support Discipleship
We support evangelism in the local church primarily through BLESS, a holistic approach to disciple making that is comprised of five missional practices: Begin with Prayer, Listen with Care, Eat Together, Serve in Love, and Share the Story.

Spiritual Formation
Bible Engagement
As People of the Book, we equip disciples to read, study, and understand the Bible through Immerse: The Reading Bible, a six-volume, specially formatted Bible created with one goal in mind: to provide an accessible and engaging opportunity to study the Bible.

Covenant Identity
Women's Discipleship

Antiracism Discipleship
In partnership with Love Mercy Do Justice, we promote antiracism through discipleship-based resources such as Antiracist Discipleship: Follow Jesus, Dismantle Racism, and Build Beloved Community. More antiracism discipleship resources for churches are coming soon.
Human Sexuality Discipleship
We aim to promote and provide a healthy dialogue around sexual discipleship. Through our Embrace ministry, learn more about a variety of topics related to faith, gender, and sexuality.

A curriculum designed to explore what it means to become a member of an Evangelical Covenant Church.
A suite of resources designed as an intentional pathway to equip every Covenanter to make more disciples through a new approach to prayer and evangelism.
Spiritual direction is a ministry of listening, discernment, and prayer in a confidential setting of encouragement and compassion. Through this ministry one discerns the presence and work of God’s Spirit with a companion who sets aside the concerns of their own life to attend to the experience of God in the life of another.
A six-volume, specially-formatted Bible created with one goal in mind: to provide the best Bible reading experience possible.
A printable and video curriculum for kids that explores the theology and practical application of the justice journey for both the church and home.
Available in English and Spanish.
Learn how you can bring BLESS to your congregation on BLESS Sunday, April 16, 2023.
Join Erik Cave (Interim Youth Ministry Leadership Team) as he hosts a 30-minute primer along with our friends from InterVarsity for high school seniors, parents, and youth leaders to help them start preparing for the all-important transition into college.
Webinars that facilitate healthy dialogue and continued learning around a variety of topics related to our faith, gender, and sexuality.
Our Stories

Brian Nanninga to Serve as Senior Director of Church Development and Evangelism
Brian Nanninga, the associate superintendent of the Alaska Conference, has been appointed the new senior director of church development and evangelism for the Evangelical Covenant Church.

A New Harvest of Hope: Sitting Down with Ieisha Hawley
Recently the Companion had a virtual sit-down with Ieisha Hawley, new director of evangelism for the Covenant, to talk about evangelism in the Covenant, the upcoming conference, Harvest of Hope, and the BLESS initiative, an acronym that encourages people to “begin with prayer, listen with care, eat together, serve in love, and share your story.”

Youth Gather at Unite 2024
Finding rest, belonging, and purpose in Jesus through worship and meaningful connections.

The Road to Unite
As youth groups prepare to attend Unite this summer, many are finding creative ways to raise the funds needed.

Ieisha Hawley Named New Director of Evangelism
We are thrilled and honored to announce the addition of Rev. Ieisha Hawley to the Make and Deepen Disciples team as the new director of evangelism.

Five Minutes With NextGen Conference Speakers
Interviews with Christopher Simning, Kanyere Easton, and Kristen Ivy who will be speaking at the NextGen conference for children, youth, and young adult ministry leaders in January.