11 Questions Worship Leaders Should Ask Search Committees


Martin Torres Jr., who is one of the worship leaders at Access Covenant Church in Portland, Oregon, recently asked other leaders on a Facebook group to answer two questions: “What kinds of questions did you ask during your interview? or what kinds of questions do you wish you could of asked before taking on the job?” He received more than 90 suggestions. He then published the Top 11 on his blog. Tomorrow, we will post 11 questions search committees should ask worship leader candidates.

  1. Can you share with me a little bit about this church and how does this worship
    leader position fits into your goals and vision for the future?
  2. What is the worship leader’s full description? (pay, hours, rehearsals) and what else falls under their umbrella (meetings, media, lighting, sound, production)?
  3. Can you please describe the current culture of this worship ministry?
  4. How is conflict handled in this church and on this leadership team?
  5. What direction does the church want to go in relation to music (hymns, gospel,contemporary, mixed of styles)?
  6. What has the relationship between the lead pastor and worship pastor looked like in the past?
  7. What musicians and vocalists are or are not available to me?
  8. Do you have a protocol or guideline for recruiting musicians and vocalists?
  9. How involved is the lead pastor when creating the song setlist?
  10. Are there any worship wars, challenges or concerns I should be aware of in the worship department?
  11. If I am hired, are you wanting me to maintain the program you already have in place or will I be able to make changes and will the pastor and leadership team support me?
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