Davis Nominated to Lead Develop Leaders, Ordered Ministry

CHICAGO, IL (March 27, 2018) – The Board of Ordered Ministry, serving as the nominating committee for the position of Executive Minister for Develop Leaders/Ordered Ministry, has selected Rev. Lance Davis to be the nominee for action this June by the Covenant Ministerium and Covenant Annual Meeting.

This nomination comes in light of the vacancy created by last year’s resignation of Mark Novak due to family circumstances. Richard Lucco has been serving in the interim role while also carrying out his responsibilities as executive director for ministry development.

Davis is currently pastor of New Zion Covenant Church in Dolton, Illinois, and serves on the Covenant Executive Board.

Mark Pattie, pastor of Salem Covenant Church in New Brighton, Minnesota, chaired the committee. He says, “Lance’s effective and seasoned leadership has been demonstrated in pastoral ministry for more than 25 years, extensive community ministry through pioneering endeavors such as the Bezalel affordable housing initiative, and significant global engagement particularly in Africa. Developing leaders is his passion, and evident in the fruit of his ministry.”

The nomination culminates a deliberative process that began with open nominations. More than 50 names were submitted for the committee’s consideration. The committee narrowed the group into an interview pool of five, representing gender and ethnic diversity. In addition, Davis undertook his own thorough discernment process, which included “counting the cost” of leaving a beloved congregation to step into this important leadership position. Davis is in alignment with Covenant positions on baptism, women in leadership, and human sexuality.

“I thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve the Covenant in this capacity and I’d like to thank the nominating committee for their sacrifice and commitment during this discernment process,” Davis says. “I feel as though God has used my many experiences, both fruitful and challenging, to prepare me for this opportunity. Nothing is closer to my heart than equipping future leaders—both clergy and lay.”

The nomination comes with the concurrence of the Covenant Executive Board as required by Covenant Bylaws. It will now proceed to the Covenant Ministerium Annual Meeting in June for concurrence, and, upon concurrence, to the Covenant Annual Meeting which follows. Additional nominations may come from the floor.

Develop Leaders gives particular focus to the credentialing, care, discipline, and development of clergy (Ordered Ministry), with plans for enhanced lay leadership resources as well. Develop Leaders is one of the five mission priorities of the ECC along with Start and Strengthen Churches, Make and Deepen Disciples, Love Mercy Do Justice, and Serve Globally.

Learn more about Lance Davis in this Newswire interview.

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