MENA Monday Fundraiser Far Surpasses Goal

CHICAGO, IL (October 25, 2019) – Donors contributed $19,000 on MENA Monday to provide freshwater filters to villages in Egypt.

The Serve Globally Middle East North Africa region sponsored the daylong event on October 21.

MENA partner Healing Grace International, which brings clean water to underserved communities in Egypt, will be the fund recipient.

The filters will provide clean water for more than a year, said Jeff Anderson, MENA coordinator.

Anderson was thrilled that the total raised far exceeded MENA’s goal of $11,000. “Given the polarized times in which we live, and with tensions in and around the Middle East and North Africa, our MENA team is very grateful for the way the Covenant constituency is generously helping communities in need,” Anderson said.

Tamer Alia, director of Healing Grace, also expressed his appreciation, saying, “I’m so touched by the generosity of people when it comes to sowing into the kingdom of God.”

Healing Grace has installed 27 water filtration systems in churches throughout Egypt, with two more filters soon to be installed. The systems are installed within churches and managed by local pastors, with the taps located outside the church so the entire community has free access to the water. Each system can produce about 17,000 gallons of fresh water per day.

Egypt suffers a shortage of clean water, especially in rural areas, which contributes to the spread of disease.

In addition to providing water, the project bridges religious divides and brings communities together as they manage and maintain the filters.

News Contact:
Stan Friedman
News and Online Editor
Evangelical Covenant Church

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