Covenant World Relief & Development Seeks Funds in Response to South Sudan Flooding

CHICAGO, IL (October 29, 2019) – More than 900,000 people in South Sudan are suffering as a result of massive flooding, and Covenant World Relief is seeking funds to help the Evangelical Covenant Church of South Sudan and Ethiopia respond to the humanitarian crisis.

The Evangelical Covenant Church of South Sudan and Ethiopia is working with other partners to respond to the disaster, said the denomination’s president Mathew Jock Moses. He called the flooding an “appalling disaster.”

Contributions can be made online.

The disaster is due to rains that have fallen since spring. The flooding is the worst in at least 40 years, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency. This is normally the start of the dry season.

“People have lost their crops and livestock and many schools and health clinics have been closed, as they are either flooded or have been converted into relief shelters,” according to United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). “With heavy rains forecast for at least another two weeks, the situation is likely to get much worse before it gets better and the risk of a major outbreak of waterborne diseases including cholera increases by the day.”

The loss of crops and livestock means the disaster in one of the world’s poorest countries will continue long after the waters recede, OCHA said.

News Contact:
Stan Friedman
News and Online Editor
Evangelical Covenant Church




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