New Kids Helping Kids: Caring for God’s Creation

CHICAGO, IL (August 5, 2020) — New Kids Helping Kids materials focused on caring for God’s creation are available now. The resources offer ways for children to learn from and be inspired by other children who are caring for God’s creation around the world.

Caring for God’s Creation seeks not only to encourage children to care for creation, but also to motivate them to model stewardship for the adults in their congregation.

Throughout the 12-week curriculum children learn about the experiences of other kids around the globe, play cooperative games, and have opportunities to respond to each lesson. Special offerings may be taken for Covenant World Relief & Development partners who are working to care for creation through recycling and composting, education about clean air and water, growing fruits and vegetables without chemical fertilizers, and planting trees and water shed management.

The materials were written by Katie Isaza, Covenant global personnel, and Jesse Bolinder, associate pastor of youth, children, and families at Harbert Community Church in Sawyer, Michigan.

Kids Helping Kids is co-sponsored by Covenant World Relief, Love Mercy Do Justice, and Make and Deepen Disciples. Materials can be downloaded here.

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