Candidates Sought for Women Ministries Leader

CHICAGO, IL (January 28, 2011) – A search is under way for candidates to fill the position as executive minister of the Department of Women Ministries of the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC).

This full-time position, which reports to the ECC president, provides leadership in the development of new programs and continuing activities, manages day-to-day operations, works with denominational and Women Ministries leaders, and develops effective strategies for funding and implementing the department’s vision.

Responsibilities include implementing decisions and policies of the ECC Annual Meeting, the ECC Executive Board, and the Board of Women Ministries as they relate to activities of Covenant women; being accountable to the president of the ECC and to the Board of Women Ministries for decisions and actions taken to support and promote the activities of Covenant women; managing the Women Ministries office, and serving as editor of all Women Ministries publications.

Desired qualifications include strong collaboration skills, an inclusive approach to ministry that reaches out to women of diverse cultures, socio-economic backgrounds and ages/life stages, and a commitment to the cause of Christ by both personal lifestyle and service. The individual must be a member in good standing of a Covenant congregation. A bachelor’s degree is required, and a master’s or other advanced degree is desired.

Click here for a more detailed job description.

“The search committee knows that God has called and prepared a special person for this position,” says Regina Williams, search committee chair. “We are seeking a candidate who exhibits Christian discipleship and a commitment to the cause of Christ,” she adds. “The successful candidate will be a visionary who not only demonstrates strong collaborative skills and an inclusive approach to ministry, but also thinks strategically and has the ability to develop and implement ministry projects and create and maintain donor partnerships.”

Once a selection has been made, the candidate will be nominated by the Board of Women Ministries with the concurrence of the ECC Executive Board and placed on the ballot for election to a four-year term during the ECC Annual Meeting in June. The new executive minister will assume the position on a date to be negotiated with the Board of Women Ministries, but not later than September 1.

Qualified candidates should email a cover letter and resume no later than February 23.

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