Taking Former Kansas Parsonage for a Ride

LINDSBORG, KS (August 16, 2011) – The former parsonage of the Lindsborg Covenant Church was hauled through town this morning as movers transported the building to a new location.

The church sold the house and two other adjacent houses to make room for a major building expansion and new parking lot.

At one point the congregation thought they would need to tear down the houses because no buyers had come forward, and moving the buildings was too expensive. In recent months, however, different buyers have asked to purchase the homes.

The parsonage, which is two stories with a large attic, is by far the larger home. The house was built in 1912 at a cost of $5,000.

Crews from Cox Cable and the city lowered and lifted lines as the home was transported. Power and cable service were interrupted most of the morning for nearby residences and businesses.

A second house already has been moved, and the third is scheduled to be transported Wednesday.

The new three-story church wing will include a youth room, multiple classrooms, and new office space, says co-pastor Steve Johnson. Much of the current first floor is being remodeled. Johnson laughed as he noted that his office will become the men’s bathroom.
The parking lot will hold at least 40 cars, said Johnson. The church has an average weekly attendance of 360 people, but always has had to use on-street parking.

The cost for the expansion is projected to be $1.4 million. For more photos, see the church’s Facebook page.

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Covenant Companion

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