Anderson, Erik
Director of Covenant Events
President’s Office
Anderson, Erik
Director of Covenant Events
President’s Office
Burger, Marti
Director of Vocational and Spiritual Development
Serve Clergy
Chao Pomeroy, Jane
Managing Editor of Content and Curriculum
Marketing and Communications
Cisneros, Elizabeth (Betzy)
Executive Assistant to The President
President’s Office
Clauson, Nils
Director of Covenant World Relief and Development
Serve Globally
Covenant World Relief and Development
Corral, Heidi
Senior Investment Services Manager
National Covenant Properties
Dangel, Rebecca
Director of Partner Communications of Paul Carlson Partnership
Serve Globally
David, Prajakta
Director of Global Advancement and Mobilization
Dean, Aaron
Manager of Benefits Education and Church Relations
DeLong, Tessa
Administrative Coordinator
Start & Strengthen Churches
Ditto, Phil
Director, International Medical & Health Programs
Serve Globally
Dugar, Bebe
Coordinator of Administrative Services
Serve Globally
Falgien, Katie
Managing Editor of Resources and Curriculum
Marketing and Communications
Frierson, Joy
Administrative Coordinator
Serve Locally
Make & Deepen Disciples
Gilliard, Dominique
Director of Racial Righteousness & Reconciliation
Serve Locally
Love Mercy Do Justice
Gonzalez, Zulma
Manager of Administration
Serve Locally
Start & Strengthen Churches
Hale, Renée N.
Executive Director of Paul Carlson Partnership
Serve Globally
Hall, Jill
Senior Vice President of Operations
National Covenant Properties
Hall, Rob
Vice President of Real Estate Services
National Covenant Properties
Hawley, Ieisha
Director of Evangelism
Serve Locally
Make & Deepen Disciples
Hedstrom, Peter
National Covenant Properties
Heinrich, Lana
Associate Director of Global Personnel
Serve Globally
Hendrickson, Mary
Director of Missional Vitality
Serve Locally
Start & Strengthen Churches
Hoffman, Cyndi
Vice President of Finance, Corporate Treasurer
Ingebretson, Karen
Director of Pastoral Support and Practice
Serve Clergy
Jackson, Tristin
Benefits Information and Accounting Specialist
Covenant Benefits
Kempe, Christina
Director of Covenant Benefits
Covenant Benefits
Kempe, Kevin
Manager of Covenant Bookstore & Fulfillment Center
Marketing and Communications
Kruit, Paul
Vice President of Real Estate Services
National Covenant Properties
Lennard, Evy
Manager of Global Engagements and Training
Serve Globally
Liew, Melissa
Director of Accounting & Financial Responsibility
Linsner, Michael
Fulfillment Center Design Specialist
Marketing and Communications
Lucht, Kathryn
Senior Loan Coordinator
National Covenant Properties
Lugo, Elisa
Administrative Coordinator
Serve Locally
Start & Strengthen Churches
Maldonado, Ruthie
Coordinator of Adminstrative Services
Serve Globally
Masten, Deborah
Director of Global Personnel
Serve Globally
McIntyre, Jennifer
Executive Director of Marketing and Communications
Marketing and Communications
Meyers, Jorden
Director of Ministry Services
President’s Office
Mitchell, Deb
Interim Executive Director of Operations
Nanninga, Brian
Senior Director of Church Development and Evangelism
Serve Locally
Make and Deepen Disciples
Norman Peterson, Cathy
Editorial Director
Marketing and Communications
Oriowo, Barbara
Payroll & Accounts Payable Specialist
Pender, Lori
Manager of Ministry Services
Serve Locally
Make & Deepen Disciples
Persson, Rollie
Vice President of Real Estate Services
National Covenant Properties
Peterson, Glenn
Senior Director of Church Planting
Serve Locally
Start and Strengthen Churches
Regional Coordinator, Middle East North Africa
Regional Coordinator, Middle East North Africa
Serve Globally
Restrepo, Eugenio & Pia
Regional Coordinators, Latin America & the Caribbean
Serve Globally
Reyes, Eneida
Serve Locally Ministry Specialist
Serve Locally
Love Mercy Do Justice
Robinson, Paul
Executive Minster of Serve Locally
Serve Locally
Saldaña, Bethany
Manager of Ministry Services
Serve Clergy
Sanders, Brandi
Manager of Global Personnel
Serve Globally
Schild, Kristi
Design Director
Marketing and Communications
Shim, Grace
Executive Minster of Serve Globally
Serve Globally
Simmons, Angela
Benefits Administrative Coordinator
Covenant Benefits
Sinchi, Angel
Senior Investment Services Manager
National Covenant Properties
Spaulding, Maren
Senior Investment Services Manager
National Covenant Properties
Swanson, Paul
Manager of Operations for Covenant World Relief and Development
Serve Globally
Thomas-Flagg, LaNiece
Manager of Ministry Services
Serve Clergy
Watson, Lyndsey
Covenant Kids Congo Ministry Specialist
Serve Globally
Covenant Kids Congo
Williams, Ramelia
Director of Ministry Initiatives
Serve Locally
Love Mercy Do Justice
Yarbrough, William
Director of Facilities & Emergency Response
ECC Conference: Central
Gender: Female
Receiving New Directees: Yes
Directing Clergy: Yes
Client Genders: Both men and women
Skype or Facetime: Yes
Languages: English, Spanish
Retreat/Workshop Leader: Yes
C. John Weborg Center for Spiritual Direction, North Park Theological Seminary
Pastors/Church Leadership, Missionaries, University Students, Discernment Process, Transitions, Multi-Ethnic Issues, Second Half of Life, Prayer, Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
Prior to moving to the USA, I was a professor at the National University of Colombia and served with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students in Colombia for 16 years. Starting in 2001, I served as InterVarsity National Staff in the USA. I have a master’s degree in Christian Ministries, and I serve in Spiritual Direction to those who want to be fully present and available to God and receive His grace over them. My joy is to see professors and college students coming to know Jesus and being transformed into people that bring the good news of righteousness and justice to others.