Stories & News

August 17, 2010

CEUMA President Ordained in Bangui Ceremony

BANGUI, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC (August 17, 2010) – More than 1,200 people stood under overcast skies on a dirt soccer field to participate in the first ordination service of the fledgling Evangelical Community of the Ubangi in Mission in Africa (CEUMA), which was planted by the Congo Covenant Church (CEUM).

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Bangui Ordination Photos

BANGUI, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC (August 17, 2010) It was a festive occasion during the first ordination service conducted by the Evangelical Community of the Ubangi in Mission in Africa (CEUMA), which was planted by the Congo Covenant Church (CEUM). Following are moments captured during the service, which was attended by a crowd estimated at 1,200 individuals

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