Readers Share Their Thoughts

By Don Meyer

CHICAGO, IL (February 17, 2011) – Every week we receive comments from readers on stories published as part of the Covenant online news report.

Readers have the opportunity to post personal reflections and responses that are attached to individual stories, and they also can post comments on the Covenant Facebook page.

Reader feedback is helpful to our Covenant News Service staff as we seek to identify and publish stories of interest to a broad spectrum of readers.

Following are comments gleaned from recent stories, edited in some cases for length. To read a particular story of interest, click on the headline.

Johnston: People Looking for Infusion of Hope

John Norland writes: Be sure to listen to the whole message – it is well worth it. Also, very practical suggestions for pastors in active ministry. I’m still working my way through the Midwinter, but am finding the messages very helpful. Once again the Covenant has found speakers to inspire and equip our fellowship.

Medical Team Volunteers Needed in Haiti

Kate Baldor writes: I am an advanced practice RN with prescriptive authority in Massachusetts. I have disaster and outreach healthcare experience, including running a program in Central America (Belize). I am looking for an opportunity to work in Haiti in late July or early August for two weeks (more or less). Do you have any trips or work planned for that time frame?
Editor’s note: To inquire about opportunities to serve in Haiti, please email either Chrissy Palmerlee or David Husby in Covenant World Relief.

Minnesota Church Mourns Death of Michigan Woman

Char Jorgensen writes: Thank you for the thoughtful article about Amy Henslee’s untimely and horrible death. I am from Bloomington, Minnesota, but am remaining in Michigan for a few weeks as my family struggles with the reality of what happened. The prayers that have ascended, as a result of your article, have been heard and God has his everlasting arms around each of us. Thank you again for sharing the story.

Teter Assumes New ECC Evangelism Role

Art Greco writes: What an excellent call! I couldn’t be more excited than I am to see that John will be giving leadership to this critical area of ministry for us. I have found him to be not only a brilliant, sensitive, and effective communicator on the topic of evangelism, but a very effective practitioner. God bless you for saying yes to this, John. And God bless you too, Dave Olson and Gary Walter, for taking such bold steps to enhance the connections between denominational leadership conference ministries.

Award Honors Teacher’s Passion for Space Exploration

Jeri Albertan writes: What a wondrous idea you had, Thelma – I enjoyed reading about your accomplishments. For many years I have desired to leave a legacy of the great ideas I have gleaned about God and put them in a book somehow. Perhaps I should persevere. You have inspired me to do that.

Perkins: ‘We Need a New Style of Church’

Jamie Worley writes: Excellent article. I have had the pleasure and honor of meeting John Perkins. I agree with his assertion that we should be planting churches in difficult and challenging areas. We must question the “why” of planting a church and it must correlate with the heart of the gospel – reaching out to the lost and equipping the found to reach the lost. God didn’t give us anything we were meant to keep. Let’s move forward as one.

Midwinter Services to be Broadcast Live Via Internet

Judy Ingles writes: I just finished watching Al Tyson on the Internet. I can hardly wait until tomorrow to hear what he has to say. Thank you for broadcasting the services. I’m the secretary of our church and I feel like I was a part of the Midwinter today. I will be able to share in some of the excitement when our pastor returns from Midwinter. Thanks again.

Alert: Some Newswire Recipients Need to Re-Subscribe

Joan Wallgren writes: With the launch of the new website, I stopped getting the emailed Covenant news headlines and would like to be back on the list. My father has also stopped getting them and would like to be back on the list.

Editor’s note: Covenant Newswire, the free daily email news headline service, changed to a new software platform when the new website was introduced. Consequently, subscribers who signed up under the old system should visit the new Covenant website home page and re-subscribe using the Covenant Newswire link.

Midwinter Services to be Broadcast Live Via Internet

Jane Koonce writes: Thanks for broadcasting the worship services. I live in Covenant Village and will love hearing the messages. Blessings!

COVENANT NEWSWIRE: To make certain not to miss a single story, sign up for the free Covenant Newswire headline news report at Covenant Newswire.

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Covenant Companion

The Communications staff at The Evangelical Covenant Church works to bring you the most complete information on the stories that matter to the Covenant.

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