By Stan Friedman
CHICAGO, IL (January 10, 2014) — Many Covenanters routinely share links to social media articles and videos with one another that Covenant News Service believes may be of interest to others. Each Friday we post five of them. Following is a sample of those submissions—their inclusion does not represent an endorsement of any views expressed.
Coming ‘Home’: When Missionaries Come Off the Field
Several Covenant missionaries highly recommended this piece, which addresses this issue with care and sensitivity. While I have discussed with missionary kids the nature of their transitions, I hadn’t really considered what it is like for the missionaries. I’m glad this kept popping up on Facebook.
Harding-Kerrigan 20 Years Later: Remembering the Stunning, Life-Changing Attack
A long, well-written, well-researched piece that highlights the key role a pastor played in breaking the case and how the life of Shane Stant, the man who attacked Kerrigan, changed in the aftermath. From the article: “In prison, he took a long look at himself and didn’t like what he saw—hurt, bitterness and anger. ‘The big thing for me is I became a Christian. It sounds really cliché-ish. But it really changed me.”
Sunday Assembly, A Church for the Godless, Picks Up Steam
Judging from the picture that accompanied the story, Sunday Assemblies look a lot like Assemblies of God Sundays.
A 75-year-old attendee says, “There’s a lot of people who feel spiritual, they want the spiritual feelings, they want the celebration. It’s natural. All humans love it.” Once an atheist myself—I refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance because it declared “one nation under God”—I wonder if the group will explore why feeling spiritual is important to them if they don’t believe in anything spiritual. The Christian church can recognize that these participants have a need for community and they desire to be part of something bigger than themselves—needs which the church, at its best, can ultimately meet.
‘Can the Atheist Church Last?’
I don’t think they intended to be so much like the church. They’re already splitting.
5 Films That Will Make 2014 ‘The Year of the Bible’
From the article: “The uptick in biblical movies is a testament to the ongoing power of those ancient narratives to capture the hearts and minds of the masses. And it also reminds us that Hollywood is driven by money more than by agendas. The Bible’s stories are an enduring draw, so Hollywood is doing what it has always done best—turning a buck by giving audiences what they want.” In other words, they’re “seeker-sensitive.” Read through the article and see how many religious puns such as “testament” in the above quote you can find.