Stories About Children Most-Read in March

CHICAGO, IL (April 2, 2014) — A story about the Richland, Michigan, mother who asked people to “like” her son on Facebook as a surprise for him was the most-read story for the second month in a row. Colin has a disorder similar to Asperger’s and had told his mother that no one would come to his birthday party. More than 2.2 million people “liked” the page and the number continues to grow.

A story about another child—one who wandered into a church and was turned over to police when his parents couldn’t be found—also was one of the most popular stories. Church members took care of the boy until police arrived.

To read these stories and others, click on the links.

Colin’s Facebook Page Gets 2 Million Likes

Paul Hawkinson Named Treasurer for the Covenant

Child in Protective Services after Wandering into Church

Engebretson New Covenant Kids Congo Project Leader

Home Altar Devotionals Available Online for Lent

Online Art Series: Questions God Asks

Pastor: “Everybody Knows Someone Impacted by Mudslide

Church Dedicates New Sanctuary after Arson

Ukraine Conflict Hits Home for Texas Congregation

Five for Friday: Pope, Wall Street, Woman Finds Herself

Picture of Covenant Companion

Covenant Companion

The Communications staff at The Evangelical Covenant Church works to bring you the most complete information on the stories that matter to the Covenant.

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