Five for Friday: Horrible Sister, Godzilla, War Across the River

By Stan Friedman

CHICAGO, IL (May 16, 2014)—Many Covenanters routinely share links to social media articles and videos with one another that Covenant News Service believes may be of interest to others. Each Friday we post five of them. Following is a sample of those submissions—their inclusion does not represent an endorsement of any views expressed.

Sister Really Is a Horrible Person

I generally find it annoying when movie critics declare a film released in May to be one of the year’s best and a sure-fire Oscar contender. Most don’t even get nominated. That said, if there were a Top Five list of Five for Friday links, this one would make that list.

Godzilla Is “Weirdest Christ Figure”

From the Christianity Today reviewer who says the film is a fun blockbuster: “Godzilla is the weirdest Christ figure I’ve ever seen. I’ll avoid spoilers, but suffice it to say that the movie honestly portrays a giant lizard with blue atomic breath as a divine figure. … The tagline for church marketing could be ‘Godzilla, even less safe than Aslan!’”

I sense a sequel: Godzilla vs. Aslan.


10 Things That Make Church People Mad That Probably Shouldn’t

I confess that I was once irritated by #8 and still sort of am. But now, when I see it, I just turn back to reading the Bible in the browser on my iPhone. Clicking on the ESPN tab is just an … er… accident.

The War Across the River

This is an emotionally powerful telling of what is happening in Central African Republic. Although the web designers went a bit overboard on the graphics, it’s definitely worth working through. In the next several weeks we will be following up on how this situation is affecting areas in which the Covenant and Congo Covenant Churches minister.

UCC, Christian Coalition on Same Side of Political Issue

The United Church of Christ and the Christian Coalition of America make for strange allies in efforts to fight back changes that would erase net neutrality.



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