Mosque Honors Covenant Church for Refugee Ministry

SACRAMENTO, CA (July 10, 2015) — The SALAM Islamic Center honored First Covenant Church of Sacramento for the congregation’s work in helping several hundred Muslim refugees resettle in the United States.

David Kiesewetter tutors two Iraqi children at the First Covenant Church of Sacramento.
David Kiesewetter tutors two Iraqi children at the First Covenant Church of Sacramento.

The SALAM center presented its Distinguished Award for Exceptional Interfaith and Community Service Award at its annual interfaith Iftar, a daily fast-breaking meal for Muslims who fast from eating between sunrise and sunset. The Iftar was held Wednesday.

It was the first time an American mosque has honored an evangelical Christian church with such an award, said Metwalli Amer, SALAM executive director who also is nationally known.

More than 200 guests, including local, state, and federal officials, gave a standing ovation to First Covenant executive pastor Mark Shetler when he accepted the award, according to an article in the Sacramento Bee.

Shetler told the paper the church has sponsored well over 100 refugees since 2009 and helped about 500 others adjust to their new lives in Sacramento.

For more information, visit the Sacramento Bee.

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