Presidential Candidates Release Videos on Plans to Address Poverty

WASHINGTON, DC (July 21, 2015) — A group of videos featuring several presidential candidates discussing how they propose to address poverty issues were released today in response to a letter signed by more than 100 Christian leaders, including ECC president Gary Walter and Debbie Blue, executive minister of Love Mercy and Do Justice.

0720 Gary headshot 1The leaders, as part of the Circle of Protection coalition, sent each presidential candidate a letter asking, “Please produce a three minute video telling the American people what you would do as president to offer help and opportunity to hungry and poor people in the United States and around the world.”

Candidates who released videos were Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Martin O’Malley, and Bernie Sanders.

The videos are being released through various networks, including the Circle of Protection website and on YouTube.

The Circle of Protection is composed of Christian leaders who are heads of denominations, agencies, and organizations. Signers of the letter include Soong-Chan Rah, Milton B. Engebretson associate professor of church growth and evangelism at North Park Theological Seminary; Richard Stearns, president of World Vision; David Beckmann, president of Bread for the World; and Leith Anderson, president of the National Association of Evangelicals.

A full list of signers is available online as is the entire letter.

According to the latest U.S. Census data, 49 million Americans are at risk of hunger, while 45 million live in poverty. Fifteen million children—one in five—live in poverty.

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