Church Surprises Pizza Delivery Man with Enormous Tip


ANCHORAGE, AK (October 19, 2015) — The Chugach Covenant Church (CCC) gave the man who delivered pizza during the worship service the largest tip he had ever received — by far.

Sure, it’s unusual to order pizza for a worship service, but the idea was to make sure 53-year-old Kenneth Felber, who had delivered pizza in Anchorage for more than a decade, would be the one dropping it off.KennethFelber-AlaskaTip

Pastor Dan Krause had heard that Felber had fallen on tough times, and the church wanted to help. “We had the opportunity to bless somebody who had no idea,” he told a local news outlet. “We talked to a manager at a local pizza place who told us about an employee who has had some financial hardships due to some medical issues he’s facing, and we decided, what a great opportunity as a church to bless somebody for no other reason than to bless them.”

When Felber arrived at the Begich Middle School, where the church plant meets on Sundays, he was greeted with a standing ovation. That is something that doesn’t happen to delivery people.

Krause then called Felber up onto the stage and asking him what was the best tip he’d ever received. Typically tips are around a dollar or two. The largest Felber said he had ever received was $100, generous by any standard.

That’s when Krause handed him a check and said, “How does a tip of $1,900 sound?”

“We don’t have a lot of really wealthy people. What we have is really generous people,” said Krause. “People who recognize they’ve been given a lot and they want to give back some. While I was hoping for $1,000, our congregation put together $1,900.”

The money will certainly help him, Felber said, but even more important was knowing that people cared. “Biggest tip ever,” said Felber. “I’m just going to be glowing the rest of the day, the rest of the week.”


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