Web Watch Returns: Best Bible Study Sites

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (December 29, 2015)—In January, the Companion plans to revive the former feature “Web Watch,” offering reviews of websites about particular topics. This new version, however, will involve more crowdsourcing, and we are looking for your input.

1229 blb_splashBecause many people begin the new year resolved to read and study their Bibles more, we want to help by sharing some of the best online sites to help create such plans. These can include websites, blogs, online classes, or podcasts. Let us know what you consider among the best and a couple of sentences about why. We’ll check them out and pull together a list of the resources that rise to the top and publish them on January 11.

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Covenant Companion

The Communications staff at The Evangelical Covenant Church works to bring you the most complete information on the stories that matter to the Covenant.

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