Congo Girls’ High School Gets Computer Lab

teaching computer to student

By Pete Ekstrand

KARAWA, DR CONGO (March 15, 2016) — The new computer lab at the Lycee Vanette girls’ secondary school at Karawa was completed and dedicated last Friday.

Principal Konza pointed out that the dedication took place the same week as International Women’s Day. Another speaker reminded attendees that “to educate a girl is to educate the future of a nation.”

The Lycee Vanette school educates girls in grades seven through 12. Each high school in DR Congo has a different specialty, and Lycee Vanette’s is business and computer training. The school also has added a nutrition section.

Classes started September 2012 with students in seventh and eighth grades. Since then the school has added one grade per year. The first class will graduate next year.

The school was started with funds through Covenant Women Ministries’ “Educate the Girls” project. That project paid for most of the construction. The Educate the Girls initiative also encouraged parents to send their daughters to school and supported some women who went on to college.

Funds raised at the 2013 Women Ministries Triennial conference and from other donors enabled the school to be completed and add the computer lab.

Picture of Diana Trautwein

Diana Trautwein

Diana Trautwein is a retired pastor, current spiritual director, wife to Richard for 58 years, mom to three remarkable adults and their spouses, and nana to nine grandkids, over half of whom are no longer kids.

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