Covenant Cares Website Goes Live

CHICAGO, IL (November 2, 2016) — The new Covenant Cares website is now live, and includes numerous connection points for Covenanters interested in helping a variety of ministries throughout the world.

The Covenant Cares Connection Guide can be downloaded for distribution in churches.

The guide and website offer ways to learn more about Covenant ministries as well as opportunities to provide financial assistance. The guide is built around four main categories which reflect the holistic ministry of the Evangelical Covenant Church: Caring for Families, for Neighbors, for Communities, and for the Church.

To help highlight the importance of Covenant Cares this fall, the Evangelical Covenant Church will participate in #GivingTuesday on November 29, a global day dedicated to giving. The ECC has set a goal of raising $50,000 that day to support refugees.

To keep you updated about Covenant Cares, we’ll be tweeting with the hashtag #covcares

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