Day of Prayer and Fasting to End Suicide

ANCHORAGE, AK (August 30, 2017) — The Alaska Conference of the ECC is asking other Covenanters to join them September 7 in a “Day of Prayer and Fasting for Life,” which will focus on praying “for deliverance from the peril of suicide in our communities and for healing from the pain of those we have lost already.”

The conference has posted an online and downloadable PDF of the 2017 Alaska Conference 24-hour Prayer Guide. Residents of Mount Miguel Covenant Village in Spring Valley, California, are hosting a time of prayer in solidarity with the conference. The residents will meet for an hour beginning at 10:15 a.m.

The Alaska Conference Annual Meeting established the annual day of prayer and fasting in 2011.

“Suicide has been described as an epidemic in Alaska,” notes the conference website. “Much attention has been given to try to turn the tide. We are aware of too many stories of loss—there is hardly a person who has not been touched by it in some way. But we are ambassadors of the good news of Jesus Christ, who has defeated death. Our hope is that the prayers lifted up will spur us on in love and good deeds to shine the light of Christ in the face of the darkness of death, not just in September, but each day.”

The conference recommends other resources for more information on the issue:

Arctic Resource Center for Suicide Prevention
International Association for Suicide Prevention

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