Nominations for ECC President Due Thursday

CHICAGO, IL (November 28, 2017) – Nominations for the next president of the Evangelical Covenant Church are open through Thursday.

The Covenant Constitution indicates that the Covenant president “shall be an ordained ECC minister in good standing.” In addition to serving as the chief executive officer of the denomination, according to the Covenant Bylaws, the position also provides “pastoral leadership to the ECC.”

Information about the position and links for submitting nominations as well as comments are available online. The Pastoral Nominating Committee is charged with submitting a name to the 133rd Annual Meeting, which will be held June 21-23, 2018, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Current Covenant president Gary Walter is retiring on August 31, 2018.

Members of the PNC include: Executive Board representatives Rachel Burke, Lance Davis, Donna Erickson, Paula Frost, Roberto Ghione, Doris Granberry, Jeff Houston, Alice Lee, Juana Nesta, Phil Print, Valerie Thomas, and Dwain Tissell; affiliate board representatives Robert H. Anderson (Covenant Ministries of Benevolence), Mary C. Miller (North Park University), Tom W. Nelson (Covenant Pension and Benefits), and Steve Wong (Board of the Ordered Ministry); and conference board representatives Terence Barg (Canada), Harvey J. Fiskeaux (Alaska), Clive Grimbleby (Pacific Southwest), Greg Harper (Southeast), Eugene P. Kim (East Coast), Kristin King (Midwest), J.T. Madison (Great Lakes), Phil Mallory (Midsouth), Rebecca Nakamura (Central), Gail Ohta (Pacific Northwest), and Jim Volling (Northwest).

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