COV Sparks: CHIC Voices, Finding Identity, and Military Chaplains

CHICAGO, IL (September 7, 2018) — The COV Sparks downloadable discussion guide is now available for the September/October issue of The Covenant Companion. Based on articles from the current issue of the magazine, COV Sparks provides stimulating questions for Sunday-school classes, small-group discussions, and personal reflection.

Articles highlighted in this latest edition include:

“Unite Us: How the leaders of tomorrow are leading us today. Voices from CHIC.” 

This summer 5,000 students gathered at CHIC 2018, the Covenant’s triennial youth conference. The theme was Unite, so the Companion convened a diverse group of students from across the Covenant to share about their experiences at the event, how God is working in their lives, and what it means to them for the church to “unite.” Read the article.

“When Palestine Becomes Personal”

Cat Knarr, project manager for Covenant Kids Congo, reflects on finding her identity in the powerful stories of her Grandpapi’s homeland. “‘You don’t need to be Muslim or Palestinian to feel with us,’ said my relative Khadija. ‘You only need to be human.'”

“Serving Those Who Serve”

Thirty years ago, the Covenant endorsed a woman as a military chaplain for the first time. Women have been following this unique call every since, and five of these women share their stories here.


COV Sparks questions are also available for Companion columnists Jill Riley, John E. Phelan Jr., and Jelani Greenidge

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