Registration Open for ‘Women, Bible, and Church’ NPTS Course

CHICAGO, IL (November 5, 2018) – Registration is open for the North Park Theological Seminary intensive course “Women, Bible, and the Church,” which will be taught January 7-11, 2019.

The popular course may be attended by pastors and lay leaders in addition to seminary students. It is taught be Klyne Snodgrass, professor emeritus of New Testament, and Armida Belmonte Stephens, NPTS theology teaching fellow.

The course seeks to develop a biblical and theological understanding of the divinely intended relationship of male and female, gender and ministry, headship and submission, leadership and theology, and God and gender. It pays particular attention to major interpretive issues and their relevance for leadership and ministry roles today.

Auditing the class costs $150.

To register, email Seminary Admissions at For further questions, contact Academic Services at

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