Home Altar: Week of January 30, 2022

by Kate Spadino

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Sunday, January 30

Luke 4:22-30

Rejected in a Hometown

Following Christ means we encounter many opportunities to be different from those around us. Perhaps that means family members who don’t understand your priorities, or walking in opposition to social cultures, such as consumerism. Maybe this looks like giving your life in service to others. Take heart! Following Christ has always been counter-cultural. Even Jesus was rejected in his hometown, and not easily accepted by those around him.

In verse 23, Jesus is not surprised when he speaks truth in the synagogue. The teachers were furious and tried to run him out of town. But Jesus was undeterred. He walked through the crowd and on his way. We don’t need to be understood by everyone around us. In our Christian life we often won’t! Instead let us keep our eyes on Christ, committed to a life that is faithful to him.

Dear God, thank you for your Son Jesus—for his life in this world and his death on the cross. May we follow his example in a life in service to you. Amen.

Monday, January 31

Luke 4:31-40

True Authority Acts in Service

My springer spaniel always heads to the trash whenever he thinks I am out of sight, where he searches for the leftover scraps from the last meal. Whenever he sees me, however, he walks away, knowing that he is in the wrong. All I need do is look in his direction and the dog will be obedient. Our pup acts this way because he is trained to respond to my authority. With true authority, one does not need to puff their chest, yell, or use physical strength. True authority needs only presence.

Jesus was sent by God, and his authority came directly from God. Jesus taught boldly in Capernaum and cast out demons who possessed a man. The people were amazed at Jesus’s authority and the power he had over the evil spirits. Jesus used his authority to build others up in the faith. May we also use our authority as children of God to serve others boldly, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Father, as Christ used his authority as the Son of God to serve, please lead us to situations where we can boldly serve others in your name. Amen.

Tuesday, February 1

Luke 4:42-44

Bold Love Is Obedient to God

Have you ever known what you needed to do but others tried to talk you out of it or turn you away from your course? Perhaps they didn’t understand your motive or your calling. Perhaps they genuinely aimed to give advice. When Jesus was preaching in Galilee, the time came for him to move on to other towns. As he withdrew, crowds approached him, trying to keep him from leaving. Jesus chose his next step with clarity and discernment. He stated the mission God had called him to and obediently moved forward in that path. He left the town and went forward to preach the good news of the kingdom of God for all believers.

Luke reminds us that before this interaction, Jesus first went to a solitary place to pray. We too can meet with God first, to be strengthened for when times of discernment come. Then we can boldly follow God’s call, bringing good news where he leads us.

Lord, help us draw close to you that we may discern your voice. Amen.

Wednesday, February 2

Luke 8:4-15

A Simple Story

In his teaching Jesus used parables to communicate God’s truth. He did not make the gospel more complicated than it needed to be or speak in confounding terms to sound more eloquent. Jesus sought to make God’s truth available and understood by all. In Mark’s account of this parable, Jesus simply refers to God’s message as the seed a farmer scattered in the field (Mark 4:1-9). In each telling of this story, Jesus paints a clear word picture that his audience could understand and relate to. As the seeds take root in good soil, so will the gospel take root in a heart prepared to accept the Word of God.

Love seeks to meet others where they are, while inviting them to know the truth. When we share God’s love with others, do we do so in a simple way?

Heavenly Father, forgive us when we overcomplicate your Word. May your love lead us, and may the gospel grow in our lives. Amen.

Thursday, February 3

1 Corinthians 13:1-3

Love Brings Connection

Two of my sons, ages 9 and 11, sit in the driveway. Yan has pulled up in a red wagon, and they are discussing Jesús’s chalk picture. I can tell by how Yan is leaning in that he is admiring Jesús’s work. They chat and chat, but few words are exchanged. “Ziggidee. Asi, chache,” Yan says, almost tipping the wagon and patting Jesús on the back. Jesús’s hands curl around the chalk, and he smiles and agrees. Out of one million words in the English language, my boys use less than 50 due to their disabilities—even though they have plenty to communicate. Yet those who love these boys understand what they are trying to say. With love, what seems like chaotic babble turns into meaning.

In today’s passage, Paul tells us that without love, we are just a resounding gong or clanging cymbal. Love is what brings understanding, truth, and meaning to our lives. Even if we are eloquent and gifted, without love, it is meaningless.

Remind us, Lord, that whatever gifts we receive, your love is what brings meaning to it all. Amen.

Friday, February 4

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love is Discreet

At a busy Bible study, the time came for prayer requests. One woman asked for prayer for her friend. I admired her request as she simply stated to the room, “I have a friend, in need of prayer for wisdom.” We all prayed for her friend without knowing the details, the name, or the situation. It was loving of this woman to seek prayer out for her friend, and I was reminded that love is discreet.

God points us to a love that is directed outward, serving others rather than ourselves. When we love others, we protect intimate details of their story. We keep their trust. Paul speaks to this kind of love in today’s passage: “Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking….Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.” Christ calls us to a love that honors our brothers and sisters with wisdom and care.

Lord, please empower us to display your love, honoring others and glorifying you. Amen.

Saturday, February 5

1 Corinthians 13:8-13

Store These Truths in Your Heart

As I drive my car through the snowy streets in the evening, I hear my children recite Scripture in the backseat. Their voices join in unison as they trip over an “of” but come together in the psalm. I smile at their efforts and lead them in the last line. Their simplicity of faith against the chaos of the world blesses me and I tear up as I catch my daughter’s face in the rearview mirror.

“Do you know,” I ask gently as we follow our headlights, “that everything in this life will fade away? Things will turn sad and sideways and there will be suffering. But God has promised something that will last. Forever. Three things.”

“What is it?” my daughter asks, her ears and heart open.

“Faith, hope, and love,” I say, “and God has said that the greatest of these is love. The love that Jesus shows us.”

I tell her because it is the Truth. It is the Way. I know it is what will lead us home.

Gracious Father, thank you for your love that strengthens us, soothes us, and holds us secure. Amen.

About the Author: Kate Spadino

Hudson, Wisconsin
I have grown up worshiping with the Covenant Church, most recently attending the Crossing Covenant Church in Hudson, Wisconsin. My husband and I have five children, and we are on an outdoor adventure every chance we get. I spend my time advocating for children with disabilities, at home and with the World Orphan Fund, a nonprofit serving children around the world. I believe in the big picture and write the daily details on social media. You can find me at @kateblakenotes.

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