Home Altar: Week of February 6, 2022

by Alma Rosa Zamudio Maciel

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Sunday, February 6

Isaiah 6:1-8

The Glory of God

Ever since I was a child, when I hear or read the phrase “the glory of God,” I can’t help but feel a holy fear. In Scripture we read descriptions of the glory of God, but they are limited to one’s imagination. Isaiah tells us that the hem of the Lord’s robe filled the temple! This holy God is always trying to reach out to each one of his children. He sent his only son, our Lord Jesus to die for our sins. Sometimes it may take years before we answer his call, but once we have made the decision to accept Jesus as our Savior and his love touches our hearts, then it does not matter how lost we were before because our sins are forgiven, and we can become witnesses of his love and his glory. I was 19 years old when I first unequivocally heard God’s voice calling me to serve him. It took another 19 years before I fell on my knees and finally said, “Here I am.”

Lord, you are holy, and you want us to be holy. Thank you for your love and patience. Please give us the strength to stay in your ways and be obedient to your Word. Amen.

Monday, February 7

Luke 5:1-5

Yet, If You Say So

Most people I know have demanding, difficult lives. We work hard and it seems the world is always asking for more of us. Many times, our efforts are not rewarded. That can also happen in ministry. Many times we diligently serve our communities’ needs, but it seems there is no impact, no transformation, and no recognition of our hard work. We may become discouraged.

God knows all of that. He knows we get disheartened when our efforts seem fruitless. And yet, in this text Jesus invites us to keep listening to his Word and following him, even (or precisely) when we feel down. Jesus invites us to trust him regardless of our previous lack of success. We know God is always faithful, and we can trust that he will never forsake us. Even if we do not feel like trying anymore, we can persevere just because he says so.

Lord Jesus, thank you for faithfulness. You are worthy of our full trust. We trust you will show us the way. Amen.

Tuesday, February 8

Luke 5:6-11

The Abundant Life

The abundant life Jesus promises is a life much better than we could ever imagine. The word “abundant” has a connotation of something beyond measure that was not anticipated or expected. An abundant life is to be shared. We do not keep for ourselves the blessings received. God’s desire is for all his children to enjoy the abundance of his love.

In this text, abundance is represented by the breaking nets and the filled boats. However, true abundance is more than material things; it consists of an overflowing of love, peace, and fruits of the Spirit that only come from God’s love for us. Thus, abundant life is holy. Peter recognized that holiness and fell down at Jesus’s knees. He accepted his invitation, left everything, and followed him. Each day Jesus invites us to accept his gift of abundant life.

Lord Jesus, thank you for your invitation to abundant life. Only you can give us the peace, joy, and love we need. Thank you for all your blessings. Amen.

Wednesday, February 9

Luke 5:12-16

I Do Choose

Today leprosy is a rare and treatable disease. People can lead normal lives after treatment. But that was not the case during Jesus’s time. People who caught the disease became untouchable, the walking dead. They were no longer allowed to participate in society. The only way to return to their previous life was to become clean. No wonder the man covered with leprosy begged Jesus to make him clean.

In Scripture, leprosy also has a spiritual meaning. It represents sin and its deadly effects in our lives. Sin separates us from God and his abundant life. Just as this leper came to Jesus to ask for mercy, we all need God’s grace. Jesus willingly came to the world to make us all clean so we can be part of the holy kingdom of God. Just as Jesus reached out to touch the man in this passage, he also wishes to touch our hearts and lives.

Lord Jesus, thank for your love which allows us to become whole again. Thank you for setting us free from sin. Amen.

Thursday, February 10

Luke 5:17-26

Stand Up and Walk

In the United States, February has been declared Friendship month. True friendship is both a gift and a commitment. It takes effort to build up fruitful relationships. This story about the paralyzed man being carried by his friends has always intrigued me. Jesus rewarded their effort, which he called “faith.” And he called the paralyzed man “friend,” someone who is loyal and helpful even in the worst of times. Jesus restored the man to spiritual wholeness by forgiving his sins and to physical wholeness by making it possible to stand up and walk. The man and his friends responded to Jesus’s miracle by glorifying God.

This miracle story tells us that Jesus is the Lord of the physical and spiritual world and everything in it, regardless of the opposition he faces. This story also teaches us about the blessings of true friendship. True friends will try to take us to Jesus, not to separate us from him. And when we receive God’s grace there is only one way to react to his mercy and that is glorifying him because he is our Almighty God.

Lord Jesus, thank you for your friendship and your mercy which makes possible our restoration to wholeness. All glory be to Christ. Amen.

Friday, February 11

Psalm 138:1-3

A Thankful Mindset

My older son was diagnosed with autism when he was 18 months old. I spent many years feeling sorry for myself and even being resentful toward God, asking, “Why me?” One day God answered, “Why not you?” The truth is that through my son I finally returned to my Father. For that, I am so grateful. Slowly, I am becoming a thankful person.

Thankful people are humble; they don’t have a feeling of entitlement. Thankful people are content within their circumstances and know that the future is full of possibilities. For many years I focused on what my son was not able to do instead of focusing on his gifts. Our contentment and humbleness come from the fact that we are beloved children of God. It is enough to thank the Lord with all our hearts for his steadfast love and faithfulness.

We bow down before you, Lord, because you are our holy God. We thank you for making us with different abilities according to your plans. We know that one day we will spend eternity glorifying and praising you. Amen.

Saturday, February 12

Psalm 138:4-8

The Lord Will Fulfill His Purpose for Me

Suffering is part of our fallen world. One way or another, something hurts or bothers us. In addition to our ever-present great social problems, we carry personal pains and issues within us. God knows it all. He knows we are hurting. But he loves us and his purpose for our lives will be fulfilled.

Today’s text invites us to keep trusting and praising the Lord, for he knows better. Even when we are overwhelmed by problems, even when everything seems to be out of place, God is in control. He invites us to safeguard our hearts by acknowledging the problems but to be at peace because he gives us strength to deal with troubles and tribulations.

Thank you, Lord, for strengthening our souls to live according to your purpose. Thank you because in the midst of trouble you are walking along with us. You are the only one deserving all praise and glory. We love you. Amen.

About the Author: Alma Rosa Zamudio Maciel

My husband Octavio and I have two sons, Ramsey and Pio (23 and 7 years old, respectively). I am ordained in the Covenant and serve as the director of operations and finance at Centro Hispano de Estudios Teológicos, the training school for Spanish-speaking pastors of the Covenant. My church for the last 12 years has been El Encino Covenant Church; however, my family and I were invited to become part of the core group of a new church plant, City Gateway Covenant Church in South Gate, California. I also recently become part of the Pacific Southwest Conference Ministerial Association, and I serve as their treasurer. I am two classes away from finishing the MDiv program at North Park Theological Seminary. In my scarce free time, I like to sit with my kids on my old sofa and watch reruns of old TV shows (Monk, Golden Girls, etc.).

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