Just One Step

(Fourth Suday after Pentecost) SUNDAY, July 3
John 14:23-27

I recently went through a season where I felt alone and abandoned. I felt bound and caged in depression and unhappiness. Simultaneously, God allowed me to be in a place where I needed to make a major decision, but I did not feel like I could because I was sad and unmotivated. 

However, as soon as I made the commitment to my decision, a peace and assurance filled my heart that was not there before. In that moment I realized that my obedience to take that step activated a freedom and calmness I needed. Sometimes, even if we don’t understand, we still need to take just one step because freedom follows obedience.

Lord, help us to remember that you do not expect us to have all the answers but that we may trust you in our vulnerabilities. Let us lean not to our own understanding but rather to invite you to walk with us every step of our faith journey. Amen.



Ordinary Is Extraordinary with God

MONDAY, July 4
Acts 4:11-22

Our world regularly presents us with circumstances that challenge our faith. For me, the most uncomfortable decision is often discerning the way God wants me to go. I tend to look at myself through my own eyes and not with the faith of who God sees. My natural ability says I cannot do something, I am not good enough, I am just an ordinary person. However, through many experiences, God has shown himself faithful and mighty. I have learned to ignore what is contradictory to what the Word of God declares and who he has proven himself to be in my life. 

Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard” (vv. 19-20, NIV).

Lord, help us to see ourselves through your eyes and not our own. Help us to focus on how you love us perfectly. Amen.

Victorious Persecution

Acts 5:12-21

In this passage, the apostles endured persecution even though they were obeying God’s command. People came from everywhere to experience what was going on, but even in the midst of good, not everyone was excited about what was happening. 

The apostles were jailed. However, nothing is too hard for God. During the night, an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and brought them out. “Go, stand in the temple courts,” he said, “and tell the people all about this new life” (v. 20, NIV). 

Every time I have had to make a decision to follow the Lord’s command when the odds were not in my favor, God has protected me from persecution and allowed me to stand victorious when circumstances should have caused failure.

Lord, speak to our hearts with a continuous voice, letting us know that you know all that is before us. Helps us to always seek you and find rest in knowing your shield is ever protecting us. Amen.

Open Heart

Acts 16:9-15

Before the Lord called me into ministry, I did not have an inviting countenance about myself. My words were not laced with love or kindness, and I rarely thought about others before myself. I spent a lot of time being angry and reacting out of a spirit of offense. During that time, feelings of loneliness and rejection consumed me. Then one day I felt God tugging at my heart. God showered me with his love and showed me how to love myself and others. When I opened my heart to God, everything shifted. That does not mean things got easy—it just means my hope in the Lord changed my perspective. Because God has not condemned me, I can pay that love forward with an open heart. 

Lord, help us to always keep an open heart. Create in us a clean heart daily so that we can serve faithfully and fully be led by you. Amen.




Luke 24:44-53

When I was pregnant with my daughter, I loved the feeling of nurturing a life. That was one of the most beautiful times in my life—until the delivery. Her birth was exceedingly difficult. If I could have somehow seen into the future, I would have asked to be under anesthesia. 

If we knew what our outcomes would be, whether good or bad, would we put forth the same effort? If we had the ability to see the outcome of a decision that was not our first choice, would we still do it? Jesus said, “Everything I told you while I was with you comes to this: All the things written about me in the Law of Moses, in the Prophets, and in the Psalms have to be fulfilled” (v. 44, MSG). Jesus knew what had to be fulfilled and he selflessly moved forward.

Lord, help us to trust in your promises. Help us to remain steadfast until the promises in your Word are fulfilled. Amen.



Half Full-Half Empty

FRIDAY, July 8
Ephesians 1:15-23

When I was growing up, my house was “the” house. It was the place where all my friends came after school, and in the summer, all my cousins would come from out of town and stay at my house. During those times, friends would comment on how close my family was and how inviting my grandmother made our home for everyone. As I got older, I remember my mother saying that when she and her three siblings were growing up, it was the same scenario—their house was “the” house. I am so grateful I grew up in a home with three generations who instilled in us the importance of family and sticking together. There is so much to be thankful for in this life.

Lord, help us to recognize your footprint in every aspect of our lives and to appreciate each opportunity you provide. Help us not to take one moment for granted. Guide us toward a more appreciative nature. Give us the mind to express our gratitude to you daily. Amen.



If Only I Could Sing

Psalm 47

I love music. I sing in my car, around the house, on my morning walk at the beach, everywhere—I love to sing! If I had the voice, I would sing all day and all night everywhere. I was told years ago to pray for a singing voice so I could sing. Well, that did not work! God knows all things, and he knows that I cannot carry a tune in a bucket. However, even knowing that, he knows I love to sing unto him and shout of his goodness at the top of my lungs. I know God appreciates my service both at work and at church, but I believe he delights even more in my worship and praise unto him. 

God loves us, and I wonder if he smiles really big like the good, good Father he is when we demonstrate our adoration, appreciation, and gratefulness—not for what he does for us but just for who he is.

Lord, I love you. You are everything to me. Amen.

Picture of Joy Frierson

Joy Frierson

I was born in St. Louis, Missouri, and raised in Centreville, Illinois, just across the bridge from St. Louis. In 2018, I relocated to Chicago and serve at New Life Alive Church in Robbins, Illinois. I am currently working as the manager of ministry services for the Advancement team of the Evangelical Covenant Church. I confessed my hope in the Lord at age 19. Since that moment, I have served in many capacities in the church, including in youth ministry, women’s ministry, hospitality, audiovisual, choir, as well as operating as church administrator and executive assistant to leadership. I have a 27-year-old daughter who resides in Troy, Illinois, and I could not be prouder of the young woman she has become and all she has accomplished. I am a self-proclaimed popcorn connoisseur, and my favorite pastimes are writing poetry, cooking, traveling, playing card games, and watching Christmas movies all year round!

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