The Joy of the Lord Is Our Strength
SUNDAY, April 16 (Second Sunday of Easter)
1 Peter 1:3-9
There was a lull in their excitement of being newlyweds as they encountered their first argument as husband and wife. But that didn’t mean the marriage was over, of course. Instead, it meant they were growing into a deeper relationship, being refined to new depths of love.
We sometimes forget the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus and start to feel a lull in our Christian walk. While we may feel weak through our trials, we remain sure of the inheritance awaiting us. We find strength in rejoicing and looking to God through Jesus our Savior.
When we can see beyond the trials of the day and exalt the Lord in praise, we are on the right path.
Jesus, help us to refocus our attention on you, the one who died and rose again for us. We praise you for the victory you have already won. AMEN.
Peace Beyond Our Understanding
MONDAY, April 17
John 20:19-23
“Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you!’”
(v. 19, NIV).
Just as Jesus showed proof of who he was to the disciples, he continues to show us proof of his love for us. Our faith is not blind; we remember past experiences when God has proven his sovereignty.
That builds our faith with each instance. When faith overshadows fear,
we can find peace that is unnatural. It comes from above and gives life. This peace is exactly what the world needs. This is our task: to give freely of the forgiveness we have so freely received and by doing so bring life and peace from above.
Lord, thank you for the lifegiving peace you have given us. Guide us with your Holy Spirit so we can pour it out to the world. AMEN.
May the Spirit Enlighten You
TUESDAY, April 18
John 20:24-25
Poor Thomas! He wasn’t in the room when Jesus appeared to the rest of the disciples. The Lord had not appeared to him and breathed the Spirit of peace on him. How could he believe without the Spirit? How could he believe Jesus was alive after a Roman crucifixion?
Much like Thomas, we require our own proof. God promises goodness to us, and unless we see and touch that goodness, we do not believe it. Yet we have the Holy Spirit alive within us to guide us to truth. We push through the logic of our limited sight and lean into the whole truth of Jesus. He will bring growth through all our circumstances.
Jesus, your infinite vision far exceeds our view. Grant us faith that surpasses our logic. Help us to depend on your love to carry us through our unbelief. AMEN.
We Can Celebrate Now
John 20:26-31
More blessed than one of the disciples! That is our promise if we believe the resurrection of Jesus without seeing and touching his nail-scarred hands.
In life all around us, we can see evidence of the miraculous love of a Savior who died and rose for us. We see it when we somehow make ends meet when the math says they shouldn’t. We see it in our ability
to take 22,000 breaths a day, in the family and friends who surround us, in the way the Scriptures speak directly to our heart and soul when we study them. We see it when the very nature around us shouts of the divine Creator who cares for us. When we celebrate this evidence, we feel the truth of Jesus our Savior’s life.
Thank you, Jesus, for the blessings you give us. May we grow more and more in the faith of your resurrection and salvation for us. AMEN.
Full Joy
THURSDAY, April 20
John 16:16-24
What if you were the best actor in the worst play ever?
Would that be worth it? Your name wouldn’t mean much after that.
Jesus said that if we ask for anything in his name it will be fulfilled. That means that we ask the Father in heaven, knowing that Jesus would want to tag his name onto it. When we ask in Jesus’s name, we remember that his name is holy, divine, and sacred.
There is joy in knowing that our righteous prayers are answered. What do we ask for in the name of Jesus?
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.
These things we pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior. AMEN.
Take Heart
FRIDAY, April 21
John 16:25-33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (v. 33).
With the events of the world around us and the enemy taking full advantage of every circumstance, it is easy to get discouraged and
lose heart. Yet Jesus told us what to expect so we would not be overwhelmed. Jesus reminds us to take heart. It is not up to us to save the world—Jesus has already done it!
What have we to fear? He conquered death already. If God be for us who can be against us?
To take heart means to be courageous. Throughout Scripture we have reminders of how God calls his people to be courageous. Through steadfast faith in Christ, we can be courageous, knowing that all things work for good to those called according to the name of Jesus.
Jesus, you are the all-powerful one who has overcome the world. Help us to strengthen our faith and take heart when we face circumstances that seem to be stacked against us. Praise to you, almighty God! AMEN.
Praise Be to Our Triune God
SATURDAY, April 22
Psalm 16
What a good Father he is to watch over us every moment, responding to our needs before we ask. Jesus knows the humanity of flesh and knows our every temptation.
He has provided a way out for us. The Holy Spirit gives us wise counsel to live a thriving, abundant life. How blessed we are. And we are even more blessed to have greater treasures awaiting us in heaven. Praise to the Triune God who loves us!
Heavenly Father, author and creator of all, we bless your holy name and all that you are. Let us not forget your goodness. When life seems too much for us, help us to remember the goodness of your love in action. When life is abundant, remind us to give you all the glory. AMEN.