
SUNDAY, April 23 Third Sunday of Easter
Acts 2:14a, 36-41

“Sweetheart, I know you love that shirt, but it doesn’t look good on you, it’s too small.”

Have you ever received negative feedback? It can be tough to hear words of critique from others. In those moments we have two options: defensiveness or acceptance. 

It’s easier to receive tough words from someone we trust. When we know someone truly cares for us, we are more likely to take their words to heart. I know my wife loves me, I trust her…and she was right. The shirt I chose was a little too tight. I changed. 

Peter’s declaration about Jesus arrested the hearts of his hearers. But their response wasn’t defensiveness because they knew and trusted Peter. Peter lived his life among the crowd gathered on that day. He shared their culture. Their response to his message was to call him “brother.” They embraced the message because they embraced Peter. Building trust with others helps us share our faith more effectively. 

Jesus, guide us by your Holy Spirit to build trust and nurture positive relationships so that you can use our words to do your work. AMEN.



MONDAY, April 24
Acts 2:42-45

I had bacon and eggs this morning. The chicken was involved—but the pig was devoted. 

What in the world would inspire the sort of commitment we see in this text? Opening up your home to daily Christian fellowship, even selling it and donating the money to others in need is incredible! As I look at the church today and into my own heart, I see a large gap between the all-in, fully devoted, bet-the-farm commitment of these early believers and my own conditional church commitments. Can you relate? 

Do not despair, though. If your heart yearns for such a church to reappear in the 21st century, it is surely the Holy Spirit calling you to take the first step. What is one thing you could do today to live out the devotion of the early church?

Jesus, we see a picture of unity and devotion in your early church. Grant us that same devotion, and let your works be shown through us today. AMEN.

Daily Faith

TUESDAY, April 25
Acts 2:46-47

Jerry Uelsmann, a University of Florida photography professor, famously conducted an experiment on the first day of class. He divided students into two groups. The first was the Quantity Group. Their grade would be based on how many photos they could snap throughout the class. The second was the Quality Group. Their grade would be calculated on the excellence of their photos. As the semester progressed, the difference between the two groups became clear. The quantity group freely experimented and improved their skills with practice daily. The quality group, on the other hand, hesitated to take photos and in the end, each produced one photo that was average at best.

The faith of the early church was a daily faith—not a perfect faith. Was every meal the early believers shared the best cooked, or every sermon the most dynamic? Probably not. Yet God’s blessing flowed in response to the church’s daily devotion to him and to each other. Do you practice your faith every day, or are you paralyzed by the desire for perfection? 

God, deliver us from perfectionism. Help us to pursue consistency in our walk with you and fellowship with others, for that is where your blessings lie. AMEN.



Luke 24:13-35

Grief is the gap between what you hoped and what actually happened.
— Dr. John Deloney

Have you ever grieved a loss? The loss of a relationship, an opportunity —a child? Grief lies heavy in our chests. We wanted things to work out differently, but they didn’t. Grief disorients us and can send an earthquake of doubt that shakes us to the core. Over a three-day period, the disciples’ expectations about Jesus and his work had crumbled.

Jesus knew that but still walked with them. Jesus and doubt walked for a long time together on the same road. Jesus reintroduced himself to his friends through the sacrament of communion, the breaking of bread. Grief is immune to cliche slogans and quick fixes. But Jesus comforts us with relationship and invites us to remember.

What practices have God’s people relied on to remember God’s faithfulness? 

 Jesus, walk with us in our grief and doubt. Let us find you again in the communion of your people. AMEN. 

Faithfulness and Donuts

THURSDAY, April 27
1 Peter 1:13-16

“When will Mommy be back?” My seven-year-old daughter was concerned that her mother had not yet returned with the chocolate-sprinkled donuts she had promised. My daughter’s two younger siblings, ages four and two, were also concerned about the promised donuts. My children’s growing restlessness was beginning to show in their grouchiness, sad faces, and an unwillingness to clean their room. When their cries became too much to bear, I called all three children and asked, “When Mommy makes a promise, does she keep it?” With that reminder, they were reassured and content to clean their rooms. 

Our spiritual enemy stands ready to distract us with moral compromise, but consider this: When has our God ever made a promise he did not keep? He is faithful. Let us allow his faithfulness to us inspire faithfulness to him. 

Jesus, help us to focus on you and your faithfulness. Enable us to resist temptation and trust fully in your promises. AMEN.



FRIDAY, April 28
1 Peter 1:17-23

Have you ever seen Mt. Rushmore? In the United States it is considered one of the country’s most iconic images, six thousand feet high and carved entirely of granite. If you visit the national monument, you will notice that the four presidential faces are a bit chunky. The sculptors left an additional three inches of granite on top of each president’s face. It takes 10,000 years of rain erosion to wear away just one inch of granite. By leaving the granite, the sculptors signaled their confidence that the country would endure for 30,000 years and beyond. But beautiful as it is, our home is not this country nor any other early government.

Even the most permanent structures are subject to erosion. Every government will eventually pass away. However, the love God has for us and the love he shows us is stronger than granite. It will never erode. It is incorruptible, indestructible. 

Jesus, help us to trust in your incorruptible love for us and to share that love with someone else today. AMEN.

Brick by Brick

SATURDAY, April 29
1 Peter 2:1-10 

“Siri, show me buildings made of reclaimed brick.” The screen of my iPhone instantly filled with images of beautiful, unique structures from around the world. As I scrolled through my feed, looking at homes, churches, and office complexes, one thing occurred to me. At some point, all of these bricks had been part of other buildings. Each brick had a back story. Some had been through fire, some experienced demolition and sat as rubble for years, some had been intended for a project that never materialized. So why do these bricks now have cause for great joy? They have been redeemed, bought back, repurposed, and given a new assignment by a master builder. That’s what God is doing with his Church. A diversity of souls who may not share the same back story but who do call upon the same Savior. We have occasion to rejoice in one another and in our chief cornerstone—Jesus Christ. 

Father, we are so grateful that you have redeemed us to be part of what you are building. Help us value our diversity and show your love to the world. AMEN.



Picture of Anthony Archie

Anthony Archie

I provide pastoral leadership to the Well Church, a multiethnic Covenant dinner church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I also serve as outreach manager of the Matthew 5:9 Fellowship (, a national network of Christian leaders committed to using their influence to be peacemakers in toxic times. I am a graduate of Oral Roberts University and lead the Oklahoma Toffee Company, a Tulsa-based candy company that provides grants to teachers in need of school supplies. I live with my wife, Chelsea, and our three children.

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