Looking Skyward Inspires True Obedience

SUNDAY, October 15
Psalm 19

Look up at the sky! No matter our setting—urban, suburban, or rural—the sky is always majestic. At this time of year, we may even be fortunate enough to see gray or blue contrasted against a burst of red, orange, and yellow leaves. From sunrise to sunset, and when the moon and the stars are on display, the sky proclaims the glory of Creator God, who made and sustains all things. 

Perhaps it is no wonder that the psalmist moves from looking upward to looking inward. Creation inspires us to align our lives joyfully and wholeheartedly with God’s perfect law. “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer” (v. 14, NRSV).

Lord, when I am caught up in the knots and tangles of my life, help me to look up at the sky and see your glory, that I may live according to your Word in a way that is pleasing to you. AMEN.



True Obedience Lives a Life of Worship

MONDAY, October 16
Exodus 20:1-7

In these first three commandments, the Lord establishes his absolute sovereignty as the God who has delivered Israel out of Egypt and out of slavery. It seems inconceivable that they would turn to anyone or anything else but Yahweh, yet that is exactly what they do, time and time again.

In moments of difficulty, or even when things are going well, who are we tempted to worship aside from the Lord, our rock and our redeemer? Who or what do we live for? Who or what do we honor? Who or what do we spend our time and money on? I will admit to you, I spend too much time scrolling through social media posts. But I don’t want my phone to become an idol. Let us be intentional about living sacrificial lives of worship of the one true God.

Lord, you are my God. Help me to keep my eyes centered on you, my heart faithfully devoted to you, my hands serving you, and my lips honoring you. AMEN.

True Obedience Rests on the Sabbath

TUESDAY, October 17
Exodus 20:8-17

“Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy” (v. 8).

How do you feel about the fact that this fourth commandment, to keep a Sabbath day of rest, stands alongside the commands to honor one’s father and mother and the commands not to murder, steal, commit adultery, bear false witness, or covet? In our 21st-century Western society, the command to get things done shouts in my ear and competes with this one. I take a day of rest from my desk work, but then I find myself busy with housework.

In The Sabbath, Abraham Joshua Heschel writes, “Labor is a craft, but perfect rest is an art.” What does Sabbath look like for you? If you already practice this, take some time to reflect on your experience. If you, like me, struggle to make this a consistent practice, what would it look like to rearrange your activities so that you can practice Sabbath
on a weekly basis?

Lord, grant me the willingness and wisdom to practice the art of Sabbath.  AMEN.


True Obedience Means Becoming Like a Child

WEDNESDAY, October 18
Matthew 19:13-15

“Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs” (v. 14).

Parents were bringing their children to Jesus so that he could lay hands on them and bless them. The disciples tried to send the children away. Jesus not only welcomes them, but he also tells all those within earshot that the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are like a child.

Ted and I have two girls who are now in middle school. When they were young children, I would sometimes capture videos of them dancing. They would dance in the aisles of the grocery store, at the farmers’ market, and in the autumn leaves. There was a freedom, a delight, and an ability to be present in the moment that I wish I could recapture for myself. I wonder if this is what Jesus was talking about.

Lord, show me in what ways I need to become like a little child again. AMEN.

True Obedience Places God at the Center

THURSDAY, October 19
Matthew 19:16-22

A young man came to Jesus seeking eternal life. He already followed the commandments that we read earlier in the week. I wonder if he felt a conviction in his spirit that the Lord was calling him to deeper obedience. He asks Jesus, “What do I still lack?” Jesus sees the heart of this young man. His many possessions had become an idol. They were in fact possessing him. Wealth is a neutral thing. It can be a blessing and be used to bless others, but it can also become an idol.

Our challenge may be something else. We could make an idol of our career, leisure pursuits, or even our family. Take a moment now to ask the Lord if there are any priorities in your life that have pushed Jesus from the center. Then receive God’s grace and strength to realign your life so you can wholeheartedly follow Jesus.

Lord, may my priorities be centered on you alone. AMEN.


God Rewards True Obedience

FRIDAY, October 20
Matthew 19:23-30

When the wealthy young man walked away, Jesus continued to reflect with his disciples. “It will be hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven” (v. 23). The disciples were amazed. Perhaps they felt that a life filled with such perceived blessing from the Lord should lead one toward the kingdom of God rather than away from it. But Jesus reassures them. “For God all things are possible” (v. 26). No one is outside of God’s grace.

Jesus reminds us that when we think the beautiful people on our screens have it all together, there’s always more to the picture. The Lord sees us and sees our every small choice to keep walking faithfully in the way of the kingdom of God. We will receive our eternal reward in due time. “Many who are first will be last, and the last will be first” (v. 30). 

Lord, may your joy be our strength so that we may walk in step with your Spirit, in true obedience to your kingdom ways. AMEN.

True Obedience Leads to the Prize of Knowing Christ

SATURDAY, October 21
Philippians 3:4b-14

In this electric passage, the Apostle Paul lays bare his passion for the prize of knowing Christ. Every ascribed privilege, every effort put forth he now considers loss, rubbish even, for the “surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (v. 8). The love, the longing, and the desire to pursue Jesus who has made him his own gush out of him as powerfully as a raging waterfall in Yosemite after a season of heavy rain. 

My daughter is a cross-country and track athlete. I’m always amazed at the effort the kids put in as they run, straining toward the goal of a personal record or a podium medal. Not only that, but they also cheer on their teammates toward their goals. A personal record or a bronze medal are excellent goals, but we have one that far exceeds both. 

Lord Jesus, may we gain such a clear vision of your glory that we pursue knowing you and the power of your resurrection with every fiber of our being. AMEN.


Picture of Christina Burrows

Christina Burrows

I am a member of River Life Covenant Church, where my husband, Ted, serves as lead pastor. I am an ordained Covenant pastor, spiritual director and president of the Association of Covenant Spiritual Directors, an adjunct faculty member at North Park Theological Seminary, and co-owner of Jigsaw Coaching, a company devoted to helping others flourish in life and work, primarily focused on coaching people to break down polarization and become culturally agile in their churches, workplaces, and communities. Ted and I have lived in Canada, England, France, and the US, and I have also lived in Germany. We have two middle school-aged daughters and a yellow Labrador called Friar Tuck. Originally from England, with British and Korean heritage, I love learning about different cultures and enjoying food, jazz, and art. I love to help people discover that we are not what we do, what we have, or what people say about us. Rather, we are beloved children of God.

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