Delayed Gratification
SUNDAY, October 22
Exodus 32:1-14
A famous psychology experiment in the 1970s offered young children a choice. You can have one marshmallow now, but if you wait for 15 minutes without eating it, then you can have two! Unsurprisingly, many children struggled to control their impulses, despite the promise of greater reward.
How often do we find ourselves growing impatient with God’s timing? We think we know what’s best, and we certainly want it right now! It is so difficult for us to see beyond our immediate circumstances, to imagine the plan that God holds for us. The practice of patience goes hand in hand with the development of trust.
(As you pray, try squeezing your hands into fists, then releasing them with a big exhale. Imagine letting go of your timing and receiving God’s peace.)
God, your timing may be outside of my understanding, but I desire to trust in your plans. Help me to release my tight grasp on outcomes and expectations, so that I can rest in the peace of your promises. AMEN.
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
MONDAY, October 23
Psalm 106:1-6, 43-48
Have you heard the term, “a creature of habit”? It is often very challenging to change our habits and behaviors, especially when they have been deeply ingrained. Apparently, this was the case for the ancient Israelites, who continued to rebel against God even after he delivered them time and again. Are there times that you have asked God to help you change, only to feel yourself fall back into your old rut? How amazing it is to know that God hears our cries and comes to us in his great love, no matter how many times we fall back into old ways.
(As you pray, try clasping your hands the opposite way from usual. Notice how challenging it can feel to change an ingrained habit, even a small one!)
God, I am a creature of habit. Please open my eyes to the patterns in my life that need to change. Thank you for your unfailing love that picks me up every time! AMEN.
My Hiding Place
TUESDAY, October 24
Isaiah 25:1-9
Imagine the feeling of being out in the sun on a hot day. Can you recall the feeling of relief when you step out of the sweltering heat into the shade? The day is still hot, but for a moment you feel cool reprieve.
When God is our shade, our shelter, and our refuge, we take comfort in his presence. The challenges we face may not immediately disappear, but in the shadow of God’s wing, we can rest and find peace. Often we wish that the difficult situations we face would be resolved, but in God’s wisdom he sometimes offers us a shelter in the midst of the storm instead.
Next time you are in the sun on a warm day, intentionally notice the feeling of relief as you step into the shade, reminding you of God’s promises.
God, I praise you for the ways you provide shelter in the storm. Help me to rest in you and be present to your peace in whatever circumstances I find myself. AMEN.
Nature Versus Nurture
WEDNESDAY, October 25
Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32
In human development, the question of nature versus nurture asks to what extent our characteristics are explained by innate biology or by our upbringing. Both can be used as excuses for bad behavior: either, “I was just doing as I’ve been taught,” or, “I can’t escape my wiring.” In today’s text a similar question is asked. Are we tied to the sins of previous generations? How will we take responsibility for our own actions? While these can be words of warning, they are certainly words of encouragement as well. It is possible to change our ways, and in doing so God will forgive us, no matter what has been committed before.
(As you pray, hold your breath for a moment, then release a long exhale. Contrast the tension of holding onto mistakes, and the freedom of letting them go.) Lord, it is hard to admit when we are wrong. Please give me courage to recognize my sins, and help me to rejoice in your grace that washes me in forgiveness. AMEN.
Peace That Passes Understanding
THURSDAY, October 26
Philippians 4:1-7
When I was young, we had a Sunday school lesson on the topic of the peace that passes all understanding. In a creative effort to drive home the point, our teachers pantomimed a race in which Peace passed Understanding to cross the finish line first. As a child, I was a bit confused by this image! As an adult, I can certainly say that I have experienced peace that transcends our attempts to explain it. God’s peace often doesn’t make sense. Circumstances in life leave us distraught, and the world’s wisdom can say it would be impossible to feel peace. But God doesn’t abide by the wisdom of the world. He welcomes our prayers and petitions, and delights in giving peace.
(As you pray, take a few long, slow breaths. Notice if your body feels a little more peaceful.)
God, you are the God of peace. When the world around me is anxious and frantic, help me to remember that you offer peace, even when it doesn’t make sense. AMEN.
A Shift in Perspective
FRIDAY, October 27
Philippians 4:8-9
When God created our bodies, he designed all of our internal systems to work in amazing ways. The neurons in our brain create stronger and stronger connections each time a thought or a behavior is repeated. Sometimes that means bad habits can feel impossible to break or negative thoughts become stuck in our mind. But the same mechanism can help us to create beautiful ways of thinking and viewing the world. God knows this is how we work, and the encouragement to “think about such things” (v. 8, NIV) uses God’s amazing design to help us foster an outlook on life that will allow us to see creation the way God sees it.
Father, help me to fix my thoughts on you, and to see myself and the world as you see your creation—worthy, valued, and loved because of you our Creator. (When you notice a negative or cynical thought arise, especially about yourself or another person, challenge yourself to shift your perspective to a lovely or admirable thought.) AMEN.
Generation After Generation
SATURDAY, October 28
Psalm 78:1-7
In the popular musical Hamilton, the titular character sings, “Legacy. What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.” Think about your own legacy of faith. Who shared with you the wonders of what God has done? Has this story been passed down in your family for generations, or did someone invite you into the story for the first time? How amazing to think that we are the recipients of the faith of generations, and that we are given the privilege of continuing to share the story. We all have the opportunity to “tell the next generation” (v. 4) of believers, whether it be our children, disciples we teach, or coworkers who witness the love of God through our actions.
Lord, I am humbled to be entrusted with your story. Help me to reflect your power and wonders through my words, actions, and legacy. (As you pray, create a motion with your hands to represent receiving and giving.) AMEN.