What’s the Difference?

SUNDAY, November 12
Micah 3:5-12

Today, artificial intelligence is all the rage. AI allows people to “write” or “create” photos by typing in a few key words, and the computer does the rest. Lawmakers are not sure what to do with it, but much of the public is excited—finally we are all artists! The problem with AI is that it looks so real it’s difficult to tell between what’s true and what’s fake.

We have the same problem in the kingdom of God. Like the prophet Micah, we are surrounded by false prophets who look real, who proclaim peace, whose teaching is so close to the gospel that it’s difficult to distinguish the truth.

Church, let me encourage us to learn, read, and reread God’s Word so that we know who is teaching God’s truth and who isn’t. Let us not be deceived by false prophets. They are still around and come in many forms. Guard yourself by being “filled with power, with the Spirit of the Lord” (v. 8, NIV).

Lord Jesus, guide us in truth through the power of your Word. AMEN.



Claiming Glory

MONDAY, November 13
Joshua 3:7-17

Who do you point to when things go right, when you have the right answer or make the right decision? When you receive accolades for what you accomplished, who do you point to?

It can be easy to think that we achieve our accomplishments on our own, but the reality is that everything we accomplish, we do so because of the grace of God.

Joshua knew this, and when he led God’s people through the Jordan River after Moses’s death, he made it abundantly clear that it was God, not him, who would lead Israel through the waters and into Canaan.

Joshua could have claimed the glory. He could have said it was by his power or that God only works through him. But he didn’t. He pointed God’s people to the living God, and he led God’s people with integrity. Let us do as Joshua did and walk with integrity and give glory to God.

Holy God, to you be all glory and power. AMEN.


Remember Where You Came From

TUESDAY, November 14
Joshua 4:1-7

Words of wisdom from people with experience: Remember where you came from. After Joshua led God’s people through the Jordan River, God told him to take 12 stones, one for each tribe, to serve as an Ebenezer, or a stone of help.

God wanted his people to remember. God wanted a physical thing to serve as a sign to God’s people, so that future children would be curious and ask about the stones. God gave the people of Israel an opportunity to speak about God’s faithfulness.

What Ebenezer do you have to serve as a reminder of God’s faithfulness and help? A necklace? A stone? A journal? A child? God is faithful even when the waters rage around us. I encourage you today to place an Ebenezer in a visible place to serve as a reminder of God’s faithfulness to you. When your children or grandchildren ask what it means, you can tell them of God’s faithfulness to you. 

God, remind us to share your story with those around us. AMEN.



Walking with Integrity

WEDNESDAY, November 16
Matthew 21:33-45

What does it mean to walk with integrity in the kingdom of God? The parable of the tenants is a good example of what walking with integrity does not look like. The tenants were happily living their lives, growing their crops, and then one day, the master’s servants showed up for payment. That did not sit well with the tenants. They believed the land and the fruit of their labor was theirs. They so convinced themselves that the land was theirs that they beat the landowner’s servants and killed his son. As a result, the tenants lost their land.

So it is in the kingdom of God. We are given vineyards to care for—people, our work, our church, our hopes, and our dreams. Do you hold tightly and claim the vineyard you tend is exclusively yours? Or do you hold the gifts God has given you with open hands because you know who owns the vineyard?

God of heaven and earth, thank you for sharing what is yours with us. AMEN.


Come to the Banquet

THURSDAY, November 17
Matthew 22:1-14

Have you ever been invited to a party that you just don’t want to go to? Perhaps instead of RSVPing, you ignore the invitation and wait for the day to pass. Then you hear about how amazing the party was, and you know that you missed out.

That is how it will be for many when Jesus comes back. Many have ignored God’s generous invitation to come to him, so they will miss out on the great banquet.

In this parable Jesus says, “Many are called, but few are chosen” (v. 14, NRSV). Church, everyone is invited to the heavenly banquet. Unfortunately, not everyone will accept this invitation. Have you accepted your invitation? If not, what’s holding you back?

Thank you, gracious God, for your generous invitation. AMEN.



Waiting for Daylight

FRIDAY, November 18
Psalm 43

Do you ever find yourself waiting for daylight? When everything seems encased in darkness, you know there is nothing to do but wait for daylight. 

In today’s passage the psalmist finds himself in a dark and dreadful situation, waiting for daylight. He feels betrayed, surrounded by the wicked, even rejected by God. Yet he knows where to look for light. He begs God, “Send me your light and your faithful care” (v. 3, NIV). The psalmist reminds himself that there is no need for his heart to be downcast, because even as it appears dark outside, God is present. He knows his job is to wait for daylight, place his hope in God, and praise him despite his circumstances.

Are you waiting for daylight? Are you in a season where you feel surrounded by enemies? Ask God to send you his light, then wait for daylight. 

Thank you, God, that you always send morning after the dark of night. AMEN.


Faithful Lives

SATURDAY, November 19
1 Thessalonians 2:9-13

One of the blessings of being a pastor is being present when young believers finally get it, when they finally understand how wide and deep the love of God is, and that God’s love extends to them. It’s rewarding to walk with someone in their faith journey and see them thrive in their faith.

On the flip side, it’s disheartening when you get it wrong. It’s hard to hear the words “But you said…” and know your teaching led a vulnerable person astray. That is why Paul strived to live a life among the Thessalonians that was above reproach. He worked hard to provide for his own needs so that no one could accuse him of taking advantage of the church. He sought to live a blameless life in order to point others to Christ.

Lord Jesus, help us to be faithful in order to point others to you. AMEN.



Picture of Jill Craig

Jill Craig

I have been blessed to serve as pastor of Wakefield Covenant Church for six years. Before moving to Wakefield, I was a youth pastor in South Dakota. I love teens, grandparents, and everyone in between. I’m a mom of two elementary school boys and one middle school girl. I am also a wife to a second career teacher who is now teaching fifth grade Ho-chunk students on the reservation. Most days you can find me with a cup of coffee in my hand, with my 12-year-old “puppy” at my feet listening to a musical. I am so grateful for God’s call on my life to serve the church and love others.

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