Wonder at God’s Creation

SUNDAY, November 19
Psalm 65

Have you ever been out somewhere and suddenly struck by something in nature? Perhaps it was a cloud, a flower, or a tree. It is easy to get caught up in our daily lives and miss the majesty of creation. The writer of Psalm 65 is helping us reflect on the sheer magnitude of God’s glory and how it sustains creation. “The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders” (v. 8, NIV). When was the last time you were filled with awe at the wonders of creation? Did it cause you to pause and thank God?

As we enter into this week of Thanksgiving, consider stopping to take in the beauty of creation. Notice the creativity and care God put into the world around us. Let us give thanks to God for the beauty that surrounds us.

Gracious God, as we prepare ourselves for Thanksgiving, remind us that we have much to be thankful for. We praise you and thank you for all that we have. AMEN.


Don’t Forget God’s Goodness

MONDAY, November 20
Deuteronomy 8:7-18

“But remember the Lord your God” (v. 18). This verse comes after a description of the blessings that Israel will receive after they enter into the promised land. Moses then warns them not to forget the Lord, because if they do, they will start to think the blessing they have was their own doing and not God’s.

When things are going well, is your first inclination to give God thanks? Or do you find yourself marveling at your own skills? When we find ourselves in seasons of want, it’s easy to cry out and ask God for provision. But when the provision is given, we often forget to pause and thank God. Find a moment to reflect on God’s provision in your life. Let us lift a prayer of thanksgiving together. 

Abundant God, forgive us for the times we have forgotten to give you thanks. We recognize that the very breath we breathe is a gift from you. Thank you for your goodness and grace. AMEN.

Remember God First

TUESDAY, November 21
Deuteronomy 26:1-11

When you receive a gift, what is your response? Do you immediately thank the giver, or do you focus on the gift itself?

In this passage, Israel is about to finally enter into the land God has been leading them toward. Before they enter, however, God instructs them to bring the first fruits of the land as an offering. Verses 5-11 recall the great struggle in Egypt and how God saved the Israelites. The act of bringing God the first fruits of the land not only recognizes the goodness of God, but also acknowledges the struggle it took to get to the promised land.

When God answers your prayers, what is your response? Is it to bring a thanksgiving offering back to God, or do you focus on the answer instead?

Good God, we thank you for all that you have provided for us. We remember the times of wilderness wandering and how you delivered us. Help us bring you the first fruits of our lives as an offering to you. AMEN.


Consider the Birds

WEDNESDAY, November 22
Matthew 6:25-33

It is a busy time of the year, and with busyness often comes stress and worry. As we read today’s passage, we are asked to consider the birds of the field. Jesus is helping us understand that God cares for the creatures of the air by feeding them every single day. They have no need to plant or harvest or store food. 

And then Jesus says, “Are you not much more valuable than they?” (v. 26). In the midst of your busyness, take a moment to reflect on your incredible worth to God. You do not have to perform, create, or prepare anything to be valuable to God. You simply are.

In the midst of chaos, take a few deep breaths and recite this to yourself, “(Inhale) King Jesus, (exhale) thank you for loving me.”

God of creation, thank you for our daily bread. Help us trust in you more every day. AMEN.

Obedience and Generosity

THURSDAY, November 23
2 Corinthians 9:6-15

How can you tell when someone is grateful for what they have? According to Paul, you can tell by the way they share what’s been given to them. Paul encourages us to be generous with what God has given us as a way to demonstrate the abundance of God. Notice what he says in verse 13: “Others will praise God” for our obedience and generosity in sharing. In other words, the way we obey God’s direction to live generously, the more people around us will turn their attention and praise to God. Our obedience and generosity is a testimony.

This leaves us with a question: Are we obedient to God and generous with what God has given us?

Good and gracious God, we pause today and thank you for your abundant love for us. We thank you for the food, friends, and family who celebrate with us. Help us remember to be obedient to your direction and generous with what you have provided. AMEN.


True Thanks

FRIDAY, November 24
Luke 17:11-19

When is the last time God answered a prayer you prayed? What did you do in response? Luke 17 recounts the story of ten lepers who asked Jesus to heal them. After they were healed, only one returned to thank him.

These lepers had been plagued with a disease that made them untouchable, unemployable, and unapproachable. Jesus comes along and heals them, yet the joy of this miracle only caused one of them to return and thank Jesus.

Sometimes we can be hyper-focused on what ails us. That is not necessarily a bad thing—in fact, God encourages us to bring our entire selves when we pray. The problem comes when we fail to thank God for the answer. Do you find yourself behaving like the nine who left, or like the one who came back to bow down and thank Jesus?

Healing God, forgive us for forgetting the miracle of answered prayers in our lives. Help us to fall at your feet in thanksgiving for all you have done. AMEN.

Everyday Thanksgiving

SATURDAY, November 25
Philippians 4:4-9

As Thanksgiving week draws to a close, the Apostle Paul exhorts us to continue bringing our praise and thanks to God. He tells us that if we present our requests to God with thanksgiving, then we will experience the peace of God.

What does the peace of God look like? It is a peace in the midst of chaos. It is a peace that doesn’t make sense. It is the peace of a God who is in control of every situation in our lives. Paul reminds us that
God is in control. Even in the chaos, even in the uncertainty, even in the stress, God is present, active, and in control. That is something to be thankful for each and every day.

Our thanksgiving cannot be confined to one week in November but should be a daily part of our spiritual rhythms.

Gracious God, thank you for your presence and power. Help me present my request to you with thanksgiving in my heart. AMEN.



Picture of Jeff Kaetzel

Jeff Kaetzel

I serve as the associate pastor of youth and parent discipleship at Community Covenant Church in Rocklin, California. I am married to Chrissy and we have a beautiful daughter named Junia. My hobbies are reading and writing comic books, finding good quality coffee shops, studying history, and disc golfing. I also love collecting vintage Hawaiian shirts. In college, I wanted to become a history professor, but God had other plans for me and called me into pastoral ministry. I have a BA and MA in history as well as an MDiv. I love seeing how history and theology are woven together to tell the grander narrative of who God is.

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