Rejoice in Our Righteous God


SUNDAY, December 17
Psalm 97:1-9

“Our God is an awesome God. He reigns,” are the opening lyrics of “He Reigns/Awesome God” by gospel artist Kirk Franklin. Throughout Advent, our family loves to play this song. We rejoice in the blessings of God’s righteousness and seek to glorify his name aloud with powerful hymns. Embracing joy may be difficult amid rising injustices, troubling times, and worldwide discord. In today’s passage, the psalmist shares an analogous pattern using melodic expressions. The Israelites were surrounded by hypocrisy, idolatry, and mayhem. The psalmist calls them to hope in the coming of the Lord to exact righteousness. God’s reign was extraordinary and began with humility. Like the CEOs on the television show Undercover Boss, Jesus comes to earth in disguise. Imagine when the heavenly angels surrounding him realized the transformation taking place. Let us rejoice in the coming of our righteous God!

Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for lightening the world with the gift of your Holy Spirit and hope in righteousness. AMEN.


Our Fearless God of Justice

MONDAY, December 18
Psalm 97:10-12

Have you ever allowed a spirit of fear to immobilize your mind? When my husband and I recently moved to Texas, door-to-door solicitors urged us to purchase an alarm system, claiming that we needed an elite measure of security due to rising crime. We prayerfully weighed the pros and cons of installing additional protection and while we were waiting for a divine answer, our neighbor’s car was broken into and several deliveries were stolen from our porch. We chose to buy a security system, hoping it would allow us to live with some peace of mind.

Trepidation and fear also touched the hearts of the Israelites. The psalmist describes them as being surrounded by degeneracy and longing for safety. God’s mighty power to thwart evil was assured to the faithful and extends to humankind in our present broken world. Unforeseen and wicked circumstances are inevitable. Yet we trust God to exact justice for the righteous, and we continue praying that fear will dissipate from our hearts and minds.

Father God, please help the peace of all understanding to cover me, especially during times of fear. May you bolster the daily tools needed to shed fear. This humble request I ask in the name of Jesus. AMEN.

God Who Comforts All Who Mourn

TUESDAY, December 19
Isaiah 61:1-4

On December 19, 2019, I was completely numb from what felt like a permanent hole etched in my heart. The reality of burying my forever 18-year-old son, Giovanni, nine weeks earlier was beyond crippling. During those tearful moments, I considered my relationship with God to be strong, yet I wondered if he was able to mend my shattered heart. God met me in my brokenness to begin the healing journey, and he extends the same invitation to us today.

Jesus comes to unshackle grief, poverty, injustices, and pain. If you are coping with a kindred circumstance, I am so sorry for your loss and lift you up in incessant prayers.

God, please grant the peace that passes all understanding. May you lift our heavy emotional, mental, physical, and financial burdens and bring about restoration. AMEN.


Our God of Unconditional Love

WEDNESDAY, December 20
Isaiah 61:8-11

Can we expect transformation in a treacherous world? This question is as relevant today as it was for God’s people in Israel. Because of Jesus, we can do all things through Christ who provides divine strength (Philippians 4:13). Isaiah depicts establishing a new covenant with God as a rewarding wedding day. My self-esteem had been crushed after I married at the tender age of 18 and divorced seven years later. When I became a bride again ten years ago, I choked on the scarlet letter “D” for divorce while walking down the aisle. It was not until I re-discovered Jesus Christ that transformation occurred. As with the Israelites, God invites us to undress shame and be adorned like a bride and groom clothed in salvation and righteousness. What am I holding onto that contributes to shame or guilt?

Lord, thank you for loving us amid our flaws. In the name of Jesus, help us to remember your unconditional love when shame and guilt attempt to highjack our minds. AMEN.

God, the Most Powerful Light of the World

THURSDAY, December 21
John 1:6-9, 19-28

“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.”
—St. Francis of Assisi

Growing up in my hometown of Daytona Beach, Florida, I developed an affinity for the nearby NASA Kennedy Space Center, which houses one of the world’s most sophisticated telescopes. The Hubble Space Telescope can explore light that reached the deepest parts of the galaxy. The powerful illumination is fascinating. Imagine being able to tell people about a lifegiving Light that never dims! John the Baptist was the witness-bearer of enlightening the Jewish community about his cousin Jesus being the light of the world. Recognizing the coming of Jesus was foreign to the Jewish people. Perhaps using a telescopic lens would have been beneficial. When Christmas lights sparkle, I am reminded of Jesus, the never-ending light, impossible to extinguish.

Father of eternal light, help us maintain complete trust in you and your Word. AMEN.


Our God of Peace and Comfort

FRIDAY, December 22
1 Thessalonians 5:12-15

How do you relax when experiencing weariness during this season? My primary source of comfort is reading the Bible, and the second is Iistening to music. “You Are Not Alone,” by the late Michael Jackson, has been viewed 338 times on YouTube. These are comforting words when we are feeling weak or faint at heart. There is everlasting joy in knowing God extends this invitation to the entire population on earth. Paul’s words of wisdom to the congregations in Thessaloniki are also applicable in times of distress. He advocates for the discouraged to be comforted, assistance be given to the weak, and patience granted to everyone (v. 14). Manifesting the latter qualities can be difficult without divine strength. But God takes delight in protecting us, healing us, and comforting us (Psalm 41:1-3). He restores our souls with peace. We are truly never alone.

God, you are a magnificent Rock. Please carry our heavy burdens of anxiousness, weariness, and distress. Heal the difficult areas of our lives, and answer our unspoken requests in your timing and for your glory. AMEN.

The Gifts of God

SATURDAY, December 23
1 Thessalonians 5:16-24

What gifts do you long for on Christmas Day? The older I become, the more material things take a back burner on my wish list. My desire increases to spend quality time with our adult children. This shift stems from my experience of losing a child. I don’t want to miss precious memories. The gift of the Holy Spirit is the gift God presents to humankind in agape love wrapped in a joy-filled bow. Receiving this gift comes with specific responsibilities. We are encouraged to avoid repressing the Spirit by humbly asking God to help enhance our spiritual gifts for his glory (1 Corinthians 12:7-11). Embracing this generosity also requires being joyful, prayerful, and thankful. As we await the Lord of lords and King of kings like a blissful child surrounded by gifts on Christmas, may we spend quality time in God’s Word and incessant prayer.

God, in the name of Jesus, help me attend to the everlasting light of the Holy Spirit. Help me receive the Spirit as a gift while extending agape love to others. AMEN.



Picture of Rolanda Schmidt

Rolanda Schmidt

I live in the Midsouth with my husband and our beloved Morkie. Together, we have a blended family of seven children. I am a certified professional project manager (University of St. Thomas), with a bachelor of science in management and a master’s of science in management from Cardinal Stritch University. I also have an MPhil in public policy and administration from Walden University and a PhD with a concentration in international finance. Prior to the 11 years I spent as a business professor, I worked in the corporate and nonprofit sectors for 25 years. I am also the author of three books. In the last two years, I have pivoted to pastoral ministry and earned a master of divinity degree from Luther Seminary last summer. I have enjoyed serving the last two years as a pastoral intern at Sanctuary Covenant Church in Minneapolis and Roseville Covenant Church in St. Paul, Minnesota.

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