Let There Be Light


SUNDAY, January 7
Genesis 1:1-5

Even at the dawn of creation, God was there in the darkness. The Spirit of God is within us, from our darkest hours to our brightest of days. All we need to do is be still and listen.

It has been a year since I received that dreaded call in the middle of the night from my younger sister. I remember picking up the phone with a heavy feeling of uncertainty and fear. My nephew, a child of God, died by suicide at the young age of 17. An animal lover and a Boy Scout who would call me “Aunt Jenny” in the sweetest voice, he lost all hope and succumbed to darkness. Yet in my grief, I found comfort knowing that God was with him in those last moments. An overwhelming inner light flooded within me, and I shared these feelings with my sister and family, sharing with them a sense of divine peace.

God, help me to remember that you are walking beside me at every step of my journey. Let me find comfort knowing that you will always light the way. AMEN.


Power of the Lord

MONDAY, January 8
Psalm 29

In this psalm, we are reminded that nothing is too hard for God. He is stronger than the mightiest of storms. The Lord can create and destroy. He provides us with strength and peace.

When I was younger, I had a fear of the dark and falling asleep. I remember sleeping with an oval framed picture of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus under my pillow and reciting one of the first prayers I ever learned as a child: “Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.”

Knowing that the Lord would watch over my physical body and soul eased me into a peaceful sleep. On the other hand, my youngest sister preferred the version that ended differently: “Guard me, Jesus, through the night and wake me with the morning light.”

Lord, as I lay my head down tonight, may I find rest knowing that you are a powerful yet gentle God to your people. AMEN.

Walking the Walk

TUESDAY, January 9
Acts 19:1-5

During Paul’s third missionary journey, he came across 12 “disciples” of Ephesus. Paul asked them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” (v. 2). They did not know of the Holy Spirit and told Paul that they had received John’s baptism. Paul explains that they received a baptism of repentance, and “to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus” (v. 4). Then Paul placed his hands on the 12 and baptized them in the name of Lord Jesus.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to repent of our sins but also to spread the Word of the Lord in all we do and say. We need to walk the walk and have faith in Christ. All of us have experienced times in which we have doubted in God’s plan for us, and our faith may waver like a flame of a candle. Yet just like that mustard seed, the smallest amount
of faith can do great things.

Lord, when my faith is wavering and feels as small as that of a mustard seed, please help me be still and listen. AMEN.


Fulfilling Our Purpose

WEDNESDAY, January 10
Mark 1:4-11

In the beginning of this passage, John the Baptist knew Jesus as his cousin, but as he baptizes Jesus it becomes clear that he is the promised Messiah. Even in utero, John leapt with joy in the presence of Jesus. John was always meant to baptize Jesus and be part of the unveiling of Jesus as God’s Son.

When I began my journey as a general education teacher, I never envisioned myself as a special educator working with children with severe disabilities and behaviors. The first day I sat and observed my new classroom, I questioned if God had put me on the right path. But as each year went by, I felt God’s hands on my back providing me strength and leading me. If I did not take the leap into special education, then I would have missed the opportunity to be an executive director and serving adults with intellectual and physical disabilities.

God, with you by my side, all things are possible. Lead me onto your chosen path and always steer me in your direction. AMEN.

Breaking Bad Habits

THURSDAY, January 11
1 Peter 4:1-5

God calls us to follow his will and not be overcome by the temptations of earthly desires. The Lord gave his life for us and in return we are called to fulfill the purpose of our lives in Christ.

I remember memorizing the Ten Commandments during my primary years in private school and getting stuck on the wording and how it pertained to my life as a child. It was not until I was older that I had a greater understanding behind why God called Moses to deliver us that set of rules to live by.

As we are made in God’s image and for that we are good, God gave us free will and with that the opportunity to choose to follow him, not out of obedience and fear but out of faithfulness and love.

Lord, lead me not into temptation. Help me to live in accordance with your will. AMEN.


Love One Another

FRIDAY, January 12
2 John 1-6

John reminds us in this passage that we are children of the church and through the church community we are committed to our mutual brothers and sisters. As Christians, we are not meant to travel alone on our spiritual path, and we need support from our fellow church community. Together we can walk in obedience and love one another as Jesus loves us.

Countless times on my morning commute I have been cut off by drivers or have seen a person asking for help along the freeway. I am reminded to love those I encounter and try to put myself in their shoes. We never know what someone else is going through and may only see a glimpse of their daily struggles. It only takes one act of kindness to make a positive impact on someone’s life.

God, please help me to find the goodness in my fellow brothers and sisters and to follow in your footsteps. AMEN.

We Are Called

SATURDAY, January 13
3 John 1-8, 11

This passage reminds me of one of my favorite hymns, “We Are Called,” by David Haas. As the refrain suggests, “We are called to act with justice. / We are called to love tenderly. / We are called to serve one another, / to walk humbly with God.”

Despite all the evil in this world, we are called to walk a path that honors God. We are called to invite strangers into our faith community. Let us turn away from sin and model what is good in the eyes of the Lord. It is not enough to be a passive bystander. We need to be an active participant in our faith community and steward of creation.

What if you invited one new person to a faith-based event in the upcoming weeks as part of our commitment to sharing the Word of God?

Lord, move our hearts to action and help us guide others to you. AMEN.



Picture of Jennifer Zelek

Jennifer Zelek

After I worked as a teacher for 20 years in general and special education, God led me to a path of servant leadership. For a little over a year, I have been the executive director of Covenant Ability Network of Illinois serving adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. I grew up Catholic and began attending Trinity Evangelical Covenant Church in Oak Lawn, Illinois, as a young adult. I am the mother of two daughters, Miranda (18) and Elizabeth (eight). When I am not spending time with my daughters, I enjoy running, cycling, and reading. It is my hope to spread awareness about individuals with disabilities and to encourage people to treat everyone with dignity and as children of God. My favorite Bible verse has always been: “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these’” (Matthew 19:14, NIV).

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