Mountaintop Moments


SUNDAY, February 4
Isaiah 51:7-9a

It is common to talk about spiritually significant experiences as being “mountaintop moments.” It’s those times when you feel so close to God and you know beyond any doubt God is real. These wonderful moments can spur us forward into the next seasons of life. But life isn’t lived on the mountaintops.

You won’t find many large cities located on mountaintops. They are hard places where crops don’t grow well, and life is hard to sustain. Mountaintops are locations where we can meet God, but they aren’t realistic places to live. Life is lived in the valleys.

The good news is that the God of the mountaintops is also the God of the valleys. He is the same God we read about in the Bible, and he is still moving and active today. God was faithful in your life back then, and he will be faithful now.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for your steadfastness. Thank you for meeting us in those mountaintop moments and being faithful beside us in the valleys of life. AMEN.


The Greatness of God

MONDAY, February 5
Psalm 147:1-11

Here in the Sierra Nevada mountains, I am blessed to live right down the street from giant sequoia trees. Some of these majestic trees are over 2,000 years old! What a beautiful creator our God is! Everyone who visits these trees finds themselves in awe. They stand as colossal pillars, high above the other trees. Their might is undeniable.

Standing next to these trees can make anyone feel small. They have truly earned their “giant” name. But as Christians, we follow a God who is even more powerful. We follow a God who is mightier, who is even more worthy of leaning on. No matter what you are going through, continue to fix your eyes on him. He is a firm foundation, and he will be strong even when we are weak.

Holy God, you are truly great. Would you continue to show your power and might in our lives today? We need you, Lord. AMEN.

Love and Knowledge

TUESDAY, February 6
1 Corinthians 8

Simply by virtue of age, I am more knowledgeable than my first-grade son. He is a curious guy, so he is constantly asking me questions about life and trying to understand the world around him. He often says things that, in his limited understanding of the world, make sense but aren’t true, such as, “Bluey is the best TV show ever,” or, “Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal is good for you.” If I wanted to, I could spend most of my day correcting him. I could talk about TV show ratings or the nutritional value of certain foods. But would that be productive, loving, and helpful? Would that further my relationship with my son?

In our Christian walks, knowing things isn’t enough. We need love. Knowledge is self-centered, but love looks out and includes someone else in your thinking. God’s great love for us sets us free to make loving choices.

Lord God, you love us with great love. Help us to act in love in what we do and not merely in knowledge alone. AMEN.


Lord, Refocus Us on You

WEDNESDAY, February 7
1 Corinthians 10:23-24, 31-33

As a father of three, I have spent a lot of time at the local soccer fields. Last fall, between practices and games, we had soccer six days a week! That’s on top of being a full-time pastor and the typical fullness of ministry life.

To some people, a busy schedule like this sounds terrible. Truthfully, I have always joked that I would rather be busy than bored. But there can be a dark side. During a busy season, it can be easy to turn inward, to become self-centered, and to focus only on our own good.

In today’s passage, Paul addresses self-centered Christians, urging them to live a different way. “No one should seek their good, but the good of others” (v. 24, NIV). What would it look like for you to shift into a more “others-focused” mindset? What could you do to refocus your everyday life around serving others?

God of all goodness, we surrender our busy schedules to you. Change them, adapt them, and refocus us on loving you and loving others. AMEN.

What’s Your Priority?

THURSDAY, February 8
1 Corinthians 9:16-23

We live in such a polarized time that no matter the topic, we feel more divided than ever. Just start talking with others, and you will quickly notice that it feels like everyone seems to have a million hills they are willing to die on.

It can be easy to let our differences divide and isolate us from others. What is your goal when interacting with others, especially with people you disagree with? Whatever your goal is will have a huge impact on what your interaction will be like.

In today’s passage, Paul makes his goal abundantly clear. “I have become all things to all people so that I might, by all means, save some” (v. 22, NIV). Saving those who are lost is his number one priority. That doesn’t mean he isn’t passionate about theology or living obediently with God. Just continue reading Paul’s work; he cares about those things. But it does mean he isn’t going to let those things get in the way of someone knowing Jesus.

Lord God, give us a mindset like that of Paul. Let us see past differences for the sake of the good news of a Savior in Jesus. AMEN.


The Restoration Business

FRIDAY, February 9
Mark 1:29-34

At my church, we just spent a full year repairing and restoring one of our old buildings to be used as a renewed ministry space. This building was taken down to the wooden studs and built back up again. There is something so fun about seeing a job like that get completed.

During his earthly ministry, Jesus spent a good amount of time healing and restoring people. He practiced a ministry of wholeness, peace, and restoration. He brought hope to the hopeless. This is a big reason why people in need were so drawn to Jesus.

God is still in the restoration business. In what areas of your life do you need God’s healing and restoration? Where would you love to see God work? Open up to him in prayer and let him know your heart’s desire.

Heavenly Father, we know that you are still in the restoration business. Would you bring healing and restoration into our lives? We need you, your wholeness, peace, and care. AMEN.

Rest and Rejuvenation 

SATURDAY, February 10
Mark 1:35-39

I love hiking in the mountains. Something about experiencing God’s creation helps me connect with God.

In the Gospels, we read of many times when Jesus goes to a solitary place to pray. For Jesus, these times of personal retreat often took place right before significant ministry moments. In Mark 1, Jesus appears to gain a new perspective. When he returns, he immediately changes course and sets out to visit other nearby villages to preach and perform miracles.

These accounts of Jesus retreating to spend time with God are common. I wonder how common it is in our life. If Jesus was intentional about spending time with God for rest and rejuvenation, how much more do we need the same thing?

Creator God, would you give us the wisdom and ability to retreat with you? We desire your guidance as we seek to live a life with you. AMEN.



Picture of Jon Dietrich

Jon Dietrich

I serve as the pastor of a Covenant church called Chapel in the Pines in Arnold, California. Arnold is a small Sierra Nevada mountain town located between Yosemite National Park and Lake Tahoe. I live in California, but living in the mountains, we also get a ton of snow every year. Arnold is best known for its proximity to Calaveras Big Trees State Park and their beautiful and majestic giant sequoia trees, some of which are over 2,000 years old! My wife, Susan, and I have been married for 16 years and have three boys together. On my days off, I enjoy hiking, mountain biking, playing tennis, camping in the mountains, and spending time with my family.

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