Revealing the Holy


SUNDAY, February 11
Mark 9:2-9

My hiking trips have never ended up like the hike in Mark 9. Jesus, Peter, James, and John went up a mountain where they witnessed Jesus’s transfiguration right in front of them. Elijah and Moses appeared, and God’s voice declared his love for the beloved Son, Jesus. Peter offers to start a three-tent construction project—wait, what? Peter’s suggestion, though random, may have been an effort to fill the silence and to capture the scene. How would anybody believe it otherwise?

Even though we did not see the transfiguration in person, God still reveals Jesus to us and to the world. It’s our job to share this revelation with others. We could try and capture the scene—or we could live Christ’s glory out in our lives.

Take time to pause and acknowledge the presence of Jesus Christ in your day. How can you share Christ’s presence with those around you?

Holy God, thank you for revealing your Son to me. Open my heart and mind to receive him and share this revelation with others. AMEN.


A Different Baton

MONDAY, February 12
2 Kings 2:1-12

Teammates in a relay race depend on each other. Runners pass a baton from one member of the team to the next, until all four have completed their race legs. The coordination required to pull this off is impressive. Elijah’s ascent into heaven is also impressive. The chariot of fire, horses of fire, and whirlwind are awe-inspiring. But underneath the flashy details is a narrative of two prophets—mentor and mentee—and a line of succession.

Elijah’s departure leaves a momentary void in leadership. There is no baton pass, but the mantle of prophetic leadership is literally and spiritually passed along. Elisha had been trained by a great prophet. And so, though grieving his leader’s death, Elisha was also ready to carry on the ministry.

Who in your life has provided leadership and training for you? If you think of somebody, reach out and thank them. How can we honor God and prepare others to carry on ministries in the kingdom of God?

Holy God, thank you for the roles other people have played in my life. Thank you for their encouragement and support. Help me to be aware of your Spirit nudging me to strengthen and encourage others in their faith. AMEN.

Courtroom Drama, Bible Version

TUESDAY, February 13
Psalm 50:1-6

I enjoy a good fictional courtroom drama. But Psalm 50 is set up as a whole different courtroom. God the Judge presides over the people. In the first six verses, we read about the might and power of God. With verse 7, the tone shifts. On the one hand, God welcomes the cries of those who are in need; on the other hand, God harshly rebukes the unfaithful. Honestly, I struggle with this. It’s the stuff I don’t like to preach about!

As we begin Lent tomorrow, we can benefit from pausing to contemplate where we might be in that courtroom. We can begin responding to God’s Spirit. God doesn’t want our empty praise or a certain number of Bible verses memorized. God wants genuine hearts that seek to live faithfully in a chaotic and challenging world.

Holy God, we are in awe of your might and power, your faithfulness and grace. Please accept our attempts at faithful living. May they bring you glory. AMEN.


Motive Check


WEDNESDAY, February 14
Matthew 6:1-6

“Finding Your Why” is a workshop offered by the Covenant Church that asks churches the question, “Why does your church exist?” I’m reminded of this question when reading Matthew 6. Jesus’s strict and straightforward warnings can be confusing. Jesus spoke these words not to say, “Don’t do these things,” but as a check on our motives. It’s easy to be swayed by external and internal circumstances, moving forward with skewed motives.

Lent begins today. It’s my favorite day and season of the church year because I’m in need of space to pause and reflect. As we enter Lent, we might add to the workshop question: What motivates us to engage in prayer and other spiritual disciplines? In our faith walk, are we motivated by what others think? Or do we seek faithfulness to God?

Holy God, as I enter Lent, remind me to pause, listen, and let you speak in and through me. AMEN.

The Heart’s Treasure

THURSDAY, February 15
Matthew 6:16-21

Our church’s annual rummage sale is fantastic. People line up before the doors open, bags in hand and ready to buy. As great as our sale is, the treasures we sell can contribute to earthly treasure storage—something Jesus warns against.

Instead, he says, “Store up treasures in heaven” (v. 20). How do we do that? Verse 21 sheds some light. “It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being” (MSG).

What do we desire in life? My shopping lists don’t tend to include, “love for neighbor,” “fight for justice,” or “stand up for someone being mistreated.” Let us add these heavenly treasures—and many more—to our life’s list.

Our culture is obsessed with “treasures.” Imagine the transformed lives if we honored God by investing more in heavenly treasures.

Holy God, keep me focused on your Word and your people. Give me the desire to invest in heavenly treasures as I seek to faithfully serve you. AMEN.


Representing a Team

FRIDAY, February 16
2 Corinthians 5:20b–6:2

After the Chicago Cubs won the 2016 World Series, Jim bought me a great Christmas present: a vanity license plate for our car, letting other Pennsylvania drivers —and Phillies fans—know who my favorite team is. (I do cheer for the Phillies when they don’t play the Cubs!) I was proud to drive around cheering for my team—until one day it hit me: our family now represents a baseball team and all its fans! When my driving lacks grace, others might think less of the Cubs and Cubs fans.

“We’re Christ’s representatives….We’re speaking for Christ himself now: Become friends with God; he’s already a friend with you” (v. 20, MSG).

We represent Christ. Our everyday life—interactions with others, driving and other habits, our priorities and time investment—all reflect our team Jesus and the body of Christ. How can we glorify God in our daily life?

Gracious God, thank you for the opportunity to represent you. Give me more of you and less of me as I consider where in my life I can faithfully serve. AMEN.

Trials and More

SATURDAY, February 17
2 Corinthians 6:3-10

If Bible heroes had theme songs, the Apostle Paul’s might be the 1977 Bee Gees’ hit “Stayin’ Alive.” During Lent, suffering doesn’t surprise us. Paul’s list of suffering is overwhelming. His afflictions had nothing to do with a church season and everything to do with pointing people to the risen Christ. Paul gave God glory, despite his circumstances, and he chose to continue spreading the good news as long as he could.

We are not strangers to suffering and challenges either. The whole world is struggling under the weight of everything, it seems. In the face of current global and local challenges, how does God call us to respond? Is God asking you to do, learn, or act on specific things to help alleviate your suffering and that of others? Where can we see God in our own trials?

Holy God, thank you for the witness of countless Christ followers who faithfully served your kingdom. Give me strength to respond to your calling on my life—during this season of Lent, and beyond. AMEN.



Picture of Cathy Stanley-Erickson

Cathy Stanley-Erickson

I am married to Jim, and we have one daughter, Kajsa, who is a high-schooler. Jim and I co-pastor at Christ Covenant Church in Harleysville, Pennsylvania, where they do not make motorcycles. I call myself a Vermonter, though I have lived on five continents (missionary kid and preacher’s kid) so when you ask me where I’m from, the answer varies. Travel is in my blood. I’m passionate about animals, especially our rescue dog, Wrigley. I love to watch Kajsa play soccer and laugh with friends. Connecting with people energizes me. I also enjoy a good cup of coffee, creative worship, the ocean, amateur photography, sticky rice and mangoes, snowstorms, searching for sea and river glass, laughter, reading, some TV shows, and making my own granola.

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