God’s Covenant


SUNDAY, February 18
Genesis 9:8-17

In recent years my personal experience of Lent has gone through something of a transformation. In the past I tended to think of it as a time of personal sacrifice, giving up something significant to me in order to make time for reflection on the season of anticipation of Easter. But in the last few years, I have found myself experiencing it more as a time of intimacy with God, reflecting on what this season means about my relationship with God and the expression of love seen in Christ’s willingness to do whatever was necessary so we could have an intimate and humble relationship with God.

In this passage we see that God’s covenant has always been a part of God’s loving intent for all of creation. “I am giving you a sign of my covenant with you and with all living creatures, for all generations to come” (v. 12, NLT). With this in mind, whatever personal sacrifices I make seem more like getting things out of the way so I can just draw closer.

Lord, in this busy life, help us to desire deeply to make space for intimacy with you. AMEN.


God’s Craftsmanship

MONDAY, February 19
Psalm 19

Last summer a friend of mine who is an amazing photographer posted pictures she took while she and her husband canoed in an area where light pollution was very minimal, and the Milky Way was bright and evident. I’ve always loved the picture we see in Psalm 19, and I found myself longing to find a place where I could see the heavens’ proclamation. As I read the psalm again, I noticed that I could see the proclamation even in the city and suburbs, whatever the time of day. As a hospice chaplain, I spend a lot of time in the car driving to see the patients we help care for as they face the conclusion of their life on earth. Often as I drive, my eyes notice the brightness of the sky and the clouds in all their unique shapes. It makes me think of this part of the psalm: “The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak” (vv. 1-2). All we have to do is look and see, no matter what time of day.

Lord, give me a desire to look for your proclamation wherever my day may take me. Grant me eyes that I may see. AMEN.

God’s Chosen

TUESDAY, February 20
Isaiah 43:10-12

When a child (or anyone else for that matter) experiences something amazing, a natural reaction is, “I can’t wait to tell someone!” To know that not only has this thing happened but that it happened to you is a thrill of the heart and mind. We often see this wonder in people, and perhaps we have experienced it ourselves, when first coming to faith in Christ. To be uniquely and personally chosen by God for relationship! “You have been chosen to know me, believe in me and understand that I alone am God” (v. 10b).

Take a moment to read that again. Let it soak in afresh. You have been chosen by God to know God and to believe in God. Earlier in this chapter we hear, “I have called you by name; you are mine” (v. 1). Today let this amazing truth roll around in your heart and mind and spirit. We are chosen and invited to share this extraordinary promise in our life and in our words. We are chosen to be witnesses.

Lord, today let me experience again the extraordinary truth of your grace, love, and holiness. Let my life truly honor you and bear witness. AMEN.


God’s People

WEDNESDAY, February 21
1 Peter 3:18-22

Children love to hear stories about themselves. They are delighted when parents and grandparents and other loved ones remind them again and again of how precious they are through stories in which they are unique and valued.

Children aren’t the only ones who love to hear that. Peter knew the believers were scattered and struggling, and they needed encouragement. In his letter to these weary ones, he wanted them to remember. He tells them, “Christ suffered for our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God” (v. 18). Over and over again in Scripture, the Lord calls God’s people to remember. Remember who you are! Remember whose you are! Remember what God has done through Jesus!

Lord God, thank you that throughout your Word, you tell us again and again how precious we are to you. Remind us that we are called to be in relationship with you and to worship you. You declare that you are our home. AMEN.

God’s Declaration

THURSDAY, February 22
Mark 1:9-15

There’s nothing like an event where a mom or dad enthusiastically shouts, “That’s my kid!” Baptism and child dedication are moments in the life of the church when parents come before the congregation and, among other things, declare that this is their child. They often read a particular Scripture and speak over their little one to tell them and those gathered, not only who they are but whose they are. It speaks of the life with God they long for their child to have, acknowledging that God is at work in a sacred and mysterious way as their journey begins.

In today’s passage, we hear God declare who Jesus is to all who are assembled, and it rings to us through the ages: “You are my dearly loved Son, and you bring me great joy” (v. 11). In those moments, all three members of the Trinity were present, and everything changed. The journey of the purpose of Jesus’s incarnation now begins as he sets out declaring God’s good news.

Lord, remind us this day and every day who we are and whose we are. The kingdom of God is near! AMEN.


God’s Good News

FRIDAY, February 23
Romans 10:8b-13

My sister has been serving on the mission field for over 20 years, now in her fourth foreign country. In those years I have had opportunities to visit her and to worship with communities whose primary language isn’t the same as mine. It’s amazing to hear a song where the tune sounds familiar but the words do not. Or laughing together as a U.S. pastor tries to explain an American idiom to a Hungarian translator and to watch as an amused look is exchanged between them. No matter where we live, if we love and believe in Jesus it’s because someone told us. In my Sunday school class in Kansas City, at an English camp in eastern Europe, around a table sharing a meal in Africa—someone told us about Jesus. “How can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?” (vv. 14-15). No matter where we are, we are invited to show up where God leads us.

“How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” (v. 15).

Lord, give us the courage to go where you lead so that we can share the hope of your good news. AMEN.

God’s Faithful

SATURDAY, February 24
Psalm 22:23-31

In my den bookcase, I have a very old, battered book, “Y Bibl.” It was my grandfather’s Bible that he brought with him when he immigrated from Wales. He was a pastor who served in churches in a variety of places around the States—Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kansas, and Minnesota. One of his primary offerings was he could preach in Welsh to other immigrants. There’s something tender about being able to hear God’s Word in the language that’s closest to our hearts. It may feel that God loves us so much that the Lord spoke in our language, so we’re invited into God’s family in the most familiar and personal way.

My grandfather died when my dad was a teenager, so I never knew him. But the heritage of his faith was transformative in my life and the life of my younger sister. “His righteous acts will be told to those not yet born. They will hear about everything he has done” (v. 31). I’m grateful for family witnesses, even those I have never met.

Lord, let the faith of witnesses through the years be passed through me to future generations, so that they will hear about your wonders. AMEN.



Picture of Mary Rowlands

Mary Rowlands

I’m an ordained Covenant pastor who has been serving as a hospice chaplain for more than 10 years. Prior to this, I served as a congregational care pastor in the Kansas City area. I have also served as a spiritual director for over a decade. I love sitting with people and listening to how God is at work in them, no matter where they are in the arc of their lives. It’s such a privilege and joy! I attend Community Covenant Church in Lenexa, Kansas. I have a wonderful friendship with my sister, Janet, who is serving with Pioneers in Bristol, England.

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