True Freedom


SUNDAY, March 3
Psalm 25:1-10

“Shame” is a powerful word. We put tremendous effort into not being shamed or embarrassed. We alter our speech. We second-guess our decisions.

In some communities the fear of shame has great power. It has the power to make people run from church rather than to it. Shame can keep people from owning and confessing their sin. Fear of shaming someone else can keep people from holding their brothers and sisters accountable for their words and actions. Shame keeps us trapped in sin.

Oh, the joy and freedom when we let go of shame and trust God. Oh, the beauty of grasping ahold of the grace and mercy of God’s forgiveness!

When we let go of shame, we are able to live in true freedom, grasping the promises of God. When I am holding onto the truth of who I am in Christ, I live more boldly—even fearlessly!

Lord, thank you for being true and faithful. Help me to live into who you have created me to be without shame, but in pure joy and boldness. AMEN.


Everything We Have

MONDAY, March 4
Matthew 22:15-22

When we left California and moved to Mozambique, we sold nearly everything we owned. Some things were easy to let go of, such as tables and chairs and the items of everyday life. But others were much more difficult—stacks and stacks of books I had collected. A nesting doll intricately painted with religious pictures from my time living in Russia. Our sons’ toys that I had thought to pass on to grandchildren. We kept a few boxes in my sister’s garage, but everything else was sold or given away. I needed to remind myself that these things belonged to God anyway. I was just returning them so I could travel a bit lighter to our next destination.

I find myself clutching onto many things. Sometimes it’s a relationship with a friend who has moved away. Sometimes it’s the things I own. Whatever we are holding onto belongs to the Lord. We are his stewards. We are to care for the people and things he has entrusted to us. 

Lord, give us the strength give you everything that rightly belongs to you. AMEN.

The Lens of God’s Love

TUESDAY, March 5
Matthew 22:34-46

Lately I have been wondering if I have been looking at my theology through the wrong lens. It seems as though I approach Scripture as a legal strategist. I look for those things that prove what I already think is right. But if the greatest commandment is to love, shouldn’t I be looking at life and Scripture through the lens of God’s love? For example, because God loves me, he has set up boundaries to protect me from my own destruction. Because God loves us, he calls us to love others, both for our good and theirs. Because God loves us, we love him in return with as much passion, obedience, and faithfulness as possible.

When I love God, my desire is to please, obey, and serve him. When I love others, I put their needs before my own comfort. Loving others can also mean having uncomfortable conversations about sin and salvation. It can mean days of fasting and prayer. It may mean sacrificing to help my brothers and sisters in Christ with food and rent. His kingdom is lived out in our love, words, and actions. What can you do today to love your neighbor?

Lord, help me to live a life motivated by your love. AMEN.


The One True God

Psalm 25:11-20

Many years ago, a young woman from France asked me, “If God loves us so much, why does he treat us as though we are fools? Why does he demand we obey him or go to hell?” I once held a similar belief. Behind the question is a heart filled with pain, loneliness, and disillusionment.

When I was growing up, I believed God was a God of punishment, a giant hand waiting to strike me when I displeased him. Then at age 16, I met the one true God, and I realized I had believed a lie. For the first time I knew what it was to be loved. It was shocking, overwhelming, and I was forever changed!

Our God is a God of forgiveness. He does not want us to wander aimlessly but guides us faithfully. He confides in his children so that we understand his promises. He is gracious and loving. He understands our loneliness, our pain, and our heartaches. He protects us.

What lies have you believed about God?

Lord, thank you for rescuing me. Thank you for your relentless love. AMEN.

Asking the Right Questions

John 2:13-22

Do you ever find yourself asking all the wrong questions? I can spend significant time worrying about things that almost never happen. I worry about what other people think. I worry about how I look, where I live, what car I drive. I find myself asking God all the wrong questions.

The religious leaders were asking all the wrong questions too. Jesus’s answer to them is: Don’t you see who I am? I have power over life and death. I am God.

What are the worthy questions in my life? How can I honor God in my work? How can I love my neighbor? Am I living in love and obedience to the Lord? Does my life reflect the character of God?

Lord, help me ask the right questions in life. AMEN.


For the Sake of Christ

FRIDAY, March 8
Mark 8:31-38

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it” (vv. 34b-35, NIV).

Saving your life. Losing your life. These are big statements.

Rarely do Christians living in America face death or even any physical discomfort for the sake of Christ. Even living in Africa, I don’t face death in serving God. However, my Mozambican brothers and sisters will walk for days to share the gospel with people who have never heard the name of Jesus. They sacrifice their comfort, health, and prosperity for the sake of Christ. I am in awe of them and am honored to work with them.

So, I ask, What does God require of me? In what ways am I holding onto this life? What do I need to lose for the sake of the gospel?

God, help me answer these questions. AMEN.

Wisdom and Power

1 Corinthians 1:18-25

I love learning new things. I love being in school and reading books and writing papers. I love the sense of accomplishment that comes with every new learning experience. I find that I can easily spend my life seeking wisdom, knowledge, and power (being a control freak, I completely understand the desire for power!). Yet, no matter how much effort I put into acquiring more knowledge, I will always fall incredibly short of any true mastery. Even though I earnestly desire to submit to God and trust him in everything, I still struggle with wanting the knowledge and power to rule over my own life.

This is the problem we have faced from the very beginning. Just like Adam and Eve, we all desire to be “like God.” True wisdom and knowledge come from realizing that God is God and I am not. Once I can submit to God and live into this understanding, I gain access to all the wisdom and power of Almighty God. Wisdom and power are not things to be gained through my own efforts; they are gifts given from God.

Dear Lord, remind me of who you are. Help me to trust in your wisdom and power and not seek it for myself. AMEN.


Picture of Melanie Viana

Melanie Viana

My husband, Alex, and I have served as Covenant global personnel in Mozambique since 2015. We work in areas of leadership development, vocational training, community care, care for vulnerable children, and church planting. We have two children, Joshua and Joseph. Our home church is Life Covenant Church in Torrance, California. I was ordained in Word and Service at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Covenant.

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