Courage in God’s Way


SUNDAY, March 17
Psalm 119:9-16

Saint Patrick was born in Roman Britain in the late fourth century. He was kidnapped at the age of 16 and brought to Ireland and enslaved. He escaped but later returned to his kidnappers, bringing with him the Word of God. He died on March 17 in the year 461, and the Irish declared him their patron saint.

Saint Patrick was undoubtedly led by God’s Spirit, sharing the good news of salvation with those who had persecuted him. He famously wrote, “Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me.”

For our sake, Jesus willingly walked amidst people who persecuted him, trusting his Father’s path. Trusting in God’s path gives us the courage to let go of fear and be filled with God’s purpose, allowing us to claim our rightful place as God’s own.

“Be Thou My Vision,” Covenant Hymnal: A Worshipbook, #412.

Heavenly Father, please be with, within, behind, before, and beside us. Give us courage to trust and follow the path you have chosen for us. AMEN.



Nourishing Words

MONDAY, March 18
Psalm 119:17-24

The Matanuska-Susitna Valley is known as the bread bowl of Alaska. Its mineral-rich glacier soil and long, summer daylight hours beckoned many hopeful homesteaders from the drought-starved Midwest to the Matanuska Colony in the late 1930s. The farmers knew the fertile land was worth seeking. Today its bounty is legendary, yielding giant vegetables and supplying food for many communities in Alaska.

Similarly, the writer of Psalm 119 knew the Word of God was worth seeking. He longed for and trusted its truth, purposefully meditating on it in his desire to see, obey, and feed on the rich counsel it provided. The psalmist’s and homesteader’s ardent pursuit of a better life mirrors the determined excitement we often feel when we willingly step forward in faith. Like farmers in a verdant land, the Word of God reaps a bountiful harvest for those who gently open, till, pray, and feed on his words.

“Wonderful Words of Life,” Covenant Hymnal: A Worshipbook, #525.

Lord, help me to see the wonderful path you created for me in your law. AMEN.


A Pure Heart

TUESDAY, March 19
Psalm 51:1-12

The purity and innocence of infants is so endearing. Have you ever longed for that purity in your life? Sometimes my shortcomings are agonizing. I find myself crying out to God like King David, begging God to clean me with hyssop and wash me whiter than snow.

Mental battles plague us, and sometimes even physical ailments manifest from the stress of trying to hide it all. Who can we tell? There is One who already knows. Jesus Christ bore the sins of our desperate world on the cross, as the perfect lamb of atonement. His sacrificial act of love redeems all who accept him as Lord and Savior.

Shame may hinder us from approaching Jesus for his forgiveness, but I can assure you from my own experience, that his purifying love welcomes you. The relief of confessed guilt will restore your soul and mind.

“Man of Sorrows, White as Snow,” Covenant Hymnal: A Worshipbook, #220.

Dear Lord Jesus, may our Lenten journey with you purify our hearts from all unrighteousness. AMEN.



Navigating Life

Jeremiah 31:31-34

As a member of the 99’s, which is a women pilots’ organization, I have participated in painting large compass roses on many airport runways around our state. A figure depicting the four cardinal directions (N, S, E, and W) and their intermediate points, the compass rose is a navigational tool that gives clear, visual orientation to magnetic North, a critical distinction from geographic North, when navigating.

As with flying, we need good tools to navigate life. There is a clear “right direction,” but with a compromise here or an overlook there, our desires can subtly shift us off course from God’s path.

God understands our need and has provided a guide for his people. Isaiah prophesied, “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people” (v. 33, NIV).

God sent the Holy Spirit to indwell and guide his people. In our faith, the Holy Spirit is the compass rose that stays our course to the Father.

“All the Way My Savior Leads Me,” Covenant Hymnal: A Worshipbook, #402.

Dear Lord, thank you for providing Jesus, the new way, that we might follow you through the Holy Spirit. AMEN.


Celebrate Hope!

THURSDAY, March 21
John 12:20-33

Today marks the birthday of one of my grandchildren. She entered the world three weeks premature, but she thrived and we celebrated! 

On the other end of life, my friend Ken is a centenarian whose bride, Eleanor, was recently called home. Ken has devoted his whole life to serving God and pointing others to the salvation found in his Son, Jesus Christ. Now he is looking forward to celebrating eternity with Eleanor when the Lord calls him home too.

Jesus, our Servant King, demonstrated his obedient love to the Father (and us) by willingly taking on our sins. Through his sacrifice, we now have an eternal hope available to us. Whether a newborn babe or a centenarian, this hope is something to celebrate!

“The Servant King,” Graham Kendrick.

Lord God, please help us choose this day whom we will serve. AMEN.


Trust in the Father

FRIDAY, March 22
Isaiah 26:4-8

Many times, have I struggled with the discord, pain, and suffering I see around me: anger, illness, loneliness—all byproducts of our sin-filled world. “Why does it have to be this way, Lord?” I ask. “You gave us your law: why is it so hard to stay true to it? Will we ever know the way to peace?”

But where does peace come from? From our own understanding or our efforts to make things right? Or does it come from trusting in the One who perfectly created all that is?

Jesus addressed these questions. His answers pointed to the Father, who exchanges our own chaotic path for his smooth one. I have found that I only find true peace—deep, restorative, forever peace—when I trust God’s leading. 

“Be Still My Soul, the Lord Is on Your Side,” Covenant Hymnal: A Worshipbook, #455.

Lord, please help us trust you enough to choose your understanding over our own. AMEN.


By His Grace

SATURDAY, March 22
Isaiah 55:10-13

When I look out upon the field framed by rugged Pioneer Peak in Alaska, the artful colors of lush green, blue, fuchsia, crimson, purple, and yellow delight my soul. Such beauty! A deeper look defines the wild fireweed blossoms, high bush cranberries, currants, and watermelon berries I will later harvest for juices and jellies. By his grace, our majestic God provides beauty and sustenance in the wilderness of the North.

By this same grace, God provides us spiritual beauty and sustenance through the words of his mouth, which do not come back to him empty. God’s Word draws our sinful souls toward him. By his grace, God put within our heart a new spirit that daily yearns for his presence and the peace he has established for us. 

“Marvelous Grace of Our Loving Lord,” Covenant Hymnal: A Worshipbook, #342.

Dearest Lord, we thank you that you have provided your new way for all who accept it, by your grace. AMEN.


Picture of Denise Koehrer

Denise Koehrer

Alaska and Mat-Su Evangelical Covenant Church have been home and mission field for my husband, Ernie, and me for 27 years. Married 37 years, we have raised three children who are all now married. Now our seven grandchildren have become our new mission field and joy. I am a retired teacher who loves bright colors, singing, playing guitar, traveling, reading, and cooking. Mountains and forests have always brought solace to me, so fireweed, daisies, and forget-me-nots often grace my home. Music is another means of solace for me. I believe God loves and created music as the universal language, so I have included hymns at the end of each day’s devotion from the Covenant Hymnal in the hope that you may join me in singing each day.

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