One Flock


SUNDAY, April 21
John 10:11-18

As it becomes more challenging to live like Jesus in this world, we need the flock, each other, more than ever. The Good Shepherd desires all his sheep to be united in him. The church has divided too many times, to the point where we look more like a hired hand than the shepherd.

What the world needs is to see a united church. What personal preferences have we allowed to divide us? I have found that the longer I follow the Shepherd, the less important some of my religious preferences have become. The kind of music played at church, the details of Jesus’s return, and which version of Scripture I read—these do not need to be matters of division. If we fine-tune our hearing so we hear the Good Shepherd’s voice more clearly, we will desire the “complete unity” Jesus prayed for in John 17:23.

Shepherd and Guardian of my soul, please help me to more carefully listen for your voice and follow your guidance, so that the world sees you through me. AMEN.


Dark Valleys and Enemies

MONDAY, April 22
Psalm 23

Why do I need to go through the darkest valley? Do I really have to sit at the table with my enemies? If you truly are the Good Shepherd, why not steer me around the dark places right to the green pastures and still waters? If you are my High Priest and you want to anoint my head with oil and fill my cup to overflowing, why do I need to face potential enemies?

Yet I know the answers to these questions. You know that I need challenges, hardships, and struggles in order to grow. The path of least resistance often leads to lethargy. Facing those who challenge, accuse, and just don’t like me can help me build my character, and they may point out ways I still need to grow. Can we embrace the truth of this psalm and allow the promise of his ever-present goodness and mercy to carry us through the dark valleys? Is the hope of dwelling with our Savior forever enough to keep us still in the presence of our enemies?

I trust you, Lord, to lead me in the right path! AMEN.

There Is None Other

TUESDAY, April 23
Acts 4:1-12

In our culture it is often divisive if you state something as an absolute truth. We prefer flexibility, wiggle room. It’s audacious that the apostles would state that there is salvation only in Jesus. As people of the Book, we want to know, “Where is it written?”

Here, and in John 14:6, Jesus’s claim to be the only way is pretty clear. Does that mean we can be arrogant or belligerent about the claims of Jesus? No, now more than ever, we need to find common ground with unbelievers and those who do not share our views, pursuing peace as far as it is possible with everyone (Romans 12:18). Speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) is often challenging. As with the apostles of old, we need to be filled with the Spirit; then God’s truth may really be heard. When we are filled, people will ask us questions and God promises to give us the answers (Matthew 10:19).

Savior, help us to live your truth first and then communicate it clearly to others. AMEN.


Companions of Jesus

Acts 4:13-22

Have you ever been recognized as a companion of Jesus? More than being seen as religious or a church attender, we are called to believe, look, and act like Jesus. We remember when Peter was accused of being a follower and friend of Jesus, and before the rooster crowed a second time, he denied even knowing Jesus. At least they recognized him as a companion of Jesus! This same Peter is now boldly identifying with his Savior.

Do you find it easier or safer to fly undercover than risk being seen as a Christ-follower? I want the apostles’ conviction, so that I can’t help but speak about Jesus. That kind of holy boldness leads to people giving praise to God, and it may also lead to persecution. Will we risk it for the sake of others and the kingdom of God?

Jesus, I want others to see you in me. Please send your Spirit to give me the boldness I need. Amen.

Shaking Things Up

THURSDAY, April 25
Acts 4:23-31

If we are willing to exercise holy boldness, God may move in ways we have never experienced before. That might be a bit scary. Like the apostles, we need to draw closer and closer to God, one flock united in voice and purpose, calling out to the sovereign Lord and recalling his good Word for us. We may see signs and wonders, which in turn lead us to greater praise and awe of the One at work in our midst.

Some won’t understand or like what is happening, and persecution may arise from inside and outside the family. Status quo is not what we need in the church today. Playing it safe won’t help spread the gospel in challenging times. If God wants to shake things up so that more might see his mighty hand at work, are we ready and willing? 

Grant us, Father, the boldness to speak your Word, shaking us up as needed, for our own sake as well as for the lost of this world. AMEN.


Being Hated

FRIDAY, April 26
1 John 3:11-17

Each of this week’s passages has an element of threat in it. There’s the wolf attacking the flock, persecution from religious leaders, and hatred that this world system has for the very One who created all things and the people who follow him. Peter wrote in his first epistle that we should expect suffering and persecution when we follow Jesus. What is our best response to threats, persecution, and hatred?

Love. Love that willingly lays down one’s life for the sake of the gospel. Love that shares with those in need. As the chasm between God’s standards and the world’s grows, we need an increase of love. Love that lays down personal preferences and our so-called rights so that those who don’t yet know him can see him working through us. But responding to hatred with love takes supernatural help. At times the persecution will come from those closest to us, as in the case of Cain and Abel. Are we, like Jesus, willing to practice costly love?

Help us, Lord! Amen.

Truth and Action

SATURDAY, April 27
1 John 3:18-24

We know from Scripture that truth is a person. This same person is the author of love. Speaking truth in love is an action that happens best when we are led by the Spirit so it has God’s power and can accomplish his purposes. As we have heard in this week’s Scriptures, following the Good Shepherd can bring challenges.

One final challenge is that our own hearts may condemn us, causing us to think we don’t measure up. When this happens, we press deeper into God and his love. If we are obedient, his presence and love will assure us we are his, even in the midst of struggles. This text resonates with the two great commands to love God and love others. Obedience requires wholehearted love for God and for people. Let us boldly love so that this world sees God’s love, knows we are his, and are drawn toward the Father’s heart.

Savior, we know you love us. Let this love fill and empower us so that the world sees you. AMEN.


Picture of Jason Knudeson

Jason Knudeson

After 33 years of ministry in Covenant, I retired on December 1, 2023. I spent 13 years pastoring in Covenant churches and then 20 years as an Air Force chaplain. My wife, Daryl, and I retired to Tijeras, New Mexico, and live in the forest at 7,600 feet. The closest Covenant church is three and a half hours away, so we attend a rural church near our village. My wife is an artist and author, and I am currently pursuing a master’s in literature. We love the out of doors and exploring new places.

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