Dry Bones and Dry Sprits No More

SUNDAY, May 19
Ezekiel 37:1-14

This text speaks to something significant—the power of the Holy Spirit in a valley ravaged by death, dryness, and depravity. Verse 6 teaches us two things: First, where there is nothing but death, decay, and depravity, we find that fullness, abundance, and beauty are possible simply through God’s breath and God’s Spirit. Second, these once dry bones, now filled with life, will live in the knowledge of the Lord God. Without God’s revelation, even those who are living are living with dry bones. In Christ’s fullness and the Spirit’s nurture we experience life in abundance and the fullness of the humanity we were created for. In this life, we are then able to deepen that nurturing with the Spirit, growing in maturity, power, and the fruit of the Spirit. It is there that fullness and life is offered.

God of breath, fill my lungs with life anew. Where there is decay and dryness in my heart and Spirit, replenish and resuscitate me. Thank you for your abundant presence in the valleys. AMEN.


Benefits of Wisdom

MONDAY, May 20
Psalm 104:24-35

When I was growing up, my family dog, a 90-pound yellow lab, would follow me to the kitchen, sit on the floor near me, and even guard the bathroom door if I was occupying it! She was always right at the door to welcome me when I came home and always gave me the sad puppy eyes when I left. This passage speaks to a similar posture, orientation, and intimacy that all of creation feels toward our Creator. Isn’t that amazing? How much do I have to learn from creation about intimacy and submission to my Creator? When was the last time I submitted myself to creation, viewing her as wise teacher?

Wise teacher, in your name and at your will the mountains move and the oceans swim. Grass grows, yearning to reach closer to you. Color and creativity preach your name. Teach me to learn from the birds, the grass, the oceans, and the mountains that sing your name. Dwell in me that I may know true intimacy with my source forever and ever. AMEN.

Spirit of Truth

John 15:26-27

The Holy Spirit in her beauty and power is full of wisdom, truth, and justice. God as advocate and Father in perfect communion with the Holy Spirit and the Son invites us deeper and closer to Godself. From our proximity, the Spirit flows from God to and through us as we walk and live in truth and love. What a magnificent invitation! God as Father, advocate, and author of truth invites us into the learning and loving of that truth that we would otherwise miss.

In Christ Jesus and through God’s breath and Spirit, life and truth are freely available to us. We were created from the beginning to be in this intimate and right relationship—communing freely, vulnerably, truthfully, and fully in the presence of God. That truth, intimacy, and invitation still rests with us today from our Advocate and Creator. Where in our hearts have we prevented Truth’s dwelling?

Advocate, Father, Spirit of Truth, dwell in us so that our tongues speak your truth. Let our lives reflect your person in Christ Jesus. Let our tongues reflect the truth that you give us. Let that truth be our rock and foundation. AMEN.


Receive, Learn, Declare!

John 16:4b-15

Our Advocate is within us, beside us, goes before us, and is behind us. Do we live knowing this truth? Do we live into this joyful and powerful declaration? What aspects of our life would look different if this truth permeated those corners of our spirit? What rocks are turned? What tables flipped? What healing to our inner life would take place?

Our life would take on a whole different meaning of living bravely and freely in our innermost authentic self. Our fullest expression of our humanity is in reconciliatory relationship with Christ Jesus. In Christ’s Spirit is freedom from sin. In God’s declaration is the truth of righteousness. The world has judged Christ Jesus, but God’s judgment and justice reigns.

Spirit of truth, lead me. Open my heart, life, and soul to receive you where my mind and soul have not yet done so. Position me to learn you. Posture me to learn me. Posture me to learn my neighbor, the immigrant, my family, and those living at the hands of this broken and unjust world. May your glory be declared in me long before my mouth opens to utter a word. Amen.


Acts 2:1-13

I am not a wine connoisseur. My first taste of wine was the kind that came in a plastic bag packaged inside of a box. For longer than I care to admit, the only Italian I knew was the label found on the box: Franzia.

Our wine collection looks different now. The fancy selections that we only break out on special occasions can still be purchased for just $20, but I have learned to savor it much more than those old wine selections. Sometimes, though, I still catch myself ignorant to the complexities and nuances of various types of wine. How much more so in the spiritual realm? The richness, flavor, and fruit born of the new wines found in the Spirit inhabit an abundance and wholeness unfathomable. But with it comes the need for wineskins to match.

Lord, form us in your love. Ferment us in your righteousness. Prepare in us wineskins anew so that we may bear in us your Spirit and the richness of your new wine. Raise up aroma in our hearts, tongues, ears, and minds that utterly saturates the love and glory you have set apart. AMEN.


When Seers See and Dreamers Dream

FRIDAY, May 24
Acts 2:14-21

How I long for the day when we will see the King’s face in glory. I long for worldly things to be turned on their head, for the slave to freely prophesy of Christ. I yearn for these things that often feel so far away.

It may be harder to find, but we can find glimpses of that vision here today—not in fullness, but in remnants. Maybe our eyes have a hard time seeing it because we first must close our mouths, our eyes, and humbly look to see through that which only our ears can hear. Perhaps you join me in needing to see—through a stronger use of our ears.

Pour out your Spirit, O Lord. Spill it from mouths called to prophesy. From the immigrant, the marginalized, the children, and those we see as other, we find your kingdom, your Spirit, and your Word for us right here and now. Revive us in your Spirit today and always. Amen.

A New Vision

Romans 8:22-27

As a male born in the millennial generation, I have been influenced and discipled by notions of toxic masculinity. I was taught that meekness and weakness were not the biblical or “best” vision of manhood. But it is precisely in weakness that we find our greatest strength. In submission to Christ’s Spirit, the gentleness that comes as we bear the fruit of the Spirit, a new vision and a new reality is formed. One that allows the Spirit in anew. One that hears the groans of the creation that we are called to care for and steward. One that hears the cries of an earth we have treated poorly, ecosystems destroyed, ecological injustice sprawling across every corner of the globe. In the Spirit we gain ears to hear these cries, and in the Spirit we humble ourselves to cry out. And the Spirit cries out with us. 

God of the cross, of the gallows, of the lynching tree, of the planet so mistreated, forgive us. Heal us. Attune us to the pains and labors of your creation. Attune us to the pains and labors we carry in our own hearts and minds. Search our hearts and hear the prayers we don’t have the words to say. Teach us to submit to your Spirit in the advent of something new—something restorative that proclaims your name, designed and breathed by your Spirit. Intercede, O God, for we your creation are listening. AMEN.


Picture of John Barclay

John Barclay

I am a licensed Covenant pastor and have served for nearly three years at New Community Covenant Church in Logan Square, Chicago, as director of children and family ministries. I love building up a children’s ministry in our urban, multiethnic context of roughly 90 kids between the ages of newborn and fifth grade. I hold a BA in biblical and theological studies from Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota, with special interest in reconciliation and justice. I serve alongside my wife, Bobbie Jo, to whom I have been married for a little more than four years. I hope to earn my MA in Christian formation in the coming years. I love deep conversations and hiking with Bobbie Jo, iced coffee, baseball, NBA basketball (Go Timberwolves!), good drinks with good friends, reading, time spent with mentors, exploring the best city in the world, and playing video games.

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