Are You Hiding Who You Are?

SUNDAY, June 9
Genesis 3:8-15

When my son was younger, he really didn’t like to wear clothes. When he did put something on, he chose to dress as what he wanted to be—a paleontologist or a train engineer. As adults, we also use clothing to hide who we really are. We cover up our insecurities or our past. We even use our clothes to project who we want people to perceive us to be. Clothes can even be a comfort at times. When my husband is away on his ship, I wear his sweatshirt around the house. But clothing can also give us a false sense of security. No matter how we dress, God sees who we really are and loves us.

God, help us to remember that you see through our clothes into our hearts and love us. AMEN.


If Only…

MONDAY, June 10
1 Samuel 8:1-9

It is common to want what others have and to think that would make our lives better. I grew up in a housing project on Staten Island, and I always thought, “If we only had a house, life would be better. We could have a pool. I could paint my room. The parties we could throw.” I took for granted that I had a roof over my head and that living there allowed my parents to afford other things we needed.

The Israelites thought life would be better if they only had a king! They were looking around and wanted what the other people in their region had. An earthly king would require work and sacrifice, but it was what they wanted. They took for granted that God was their king. They forgot who God was and that they were his people.

Lord, you are the King of my heart and mind. Help me to remember that an earthly king could never replace you. AMEN.


TUESDAY, June 11
1 Samuel 8:10-20

In today’s passage, Samuel warns the Israelites of all the problems they would have with an earthly king. But it was as if they didn’t hear him. As a parent with a kid and a few dogs, I see this play out a lot! My son has a playroom with a gate to prevent the dogs from getting to his toys. One day, he left the gate open and didn’t pick up his wooden train whistle. Our oldest dog got a hold of that whistle and chewed it. It wasn’t broken, but it was uncomfortable to use.

Like that train whistle, an earthly king would become uncomfortable for the Israelites. God let them have one because they didn’t want to listen.

Father, help us to remember that you want what is best for us even when we think we know better. Help us to seek you before making decisions. AMEN.


Listen to Me!

Psalm 81:1-10

During an exciting holiday or really fun event, active listening becomes even harder. We see it in children. Think of Elf on the Shelf, created to get children to listen in the days and weeks leading up to holidays or other special events.

Here we see the Israelites celebrating, likely the new year, and God is reminding them of who he is. He reminds them of what he has done for them. But by verse 8, even God is saying, “If you’d only just listen to me!” Let us listen to God, even when things are going well.

Lord, help us listen to your voice as you come alongside us. AMEN.

Be Prepared

2 Corinthians 5:1-5

“The one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God, who has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come” (v. 5, NIV).

As a marine engineer by trade, I am equipped to handle many problems that arise in my house. In the past few years, I have fixed my washing machine, installed a new hot water heater, and used a generator to keep my house warm for more than 50 hours during a heavy snow. I can fix many things, but just as many things are completely beyond my set of skills.

It’s hard to hear that nothing but the Spirit is guaranteed on this side of heaven. We aren’t called to skip to the good part, even if we want to! We are called to be here and trust in God. He prepared me (a city girl) for my rural life without my realizing it. He is preparing you too!

Heavenly Father, thank you for reminding me that I need to trust in you in all things and trust that you have prepared me for what is to come. AMEN.


Be Confident in the Lord

FRIDAY, June 14
2 Corinthians 5:6-10

In rock climbing, many beginners put their confidence in their arms, even though our human legs are designed to carry our weight. Similarly, many swimmers try to pull themselves through the water with their arms, rather than using their legs to propel them forward. Often we put our confidence in the wrong thing. We put our confidence in our relationships, in the physical health of our bodies, even our jobs. How hurt are we when we do “all the right things,” yet those things we had confidence in, let us down.

Verse 7 reminds us that we are a people who “walk by faith, not by sight.” Walking by faith is walking in the confidence that God has it—whatever “it” is—in his hands. Remembering this lightens our load, freeing us up to do his good work while we’re here.

Heavenly Father, help us to put our confidence in you and show others how putting our confidence in you frees us up to help others. AMEN.

Who’s Here for You?

Mark 3:31-35

Marine engineers can work far from home on ships that travel all over the world. Since having a child, I don’t sail anymore, but my husband does. He is often away for weeks at a time, and he’s usually away for the crazy things in life. Earlier this week, I mentioned some of the things that I had to take care of in my home. I had to do all those without my husband because he was on his ship.

In my situation, it’s not that my husband didn’t want to be here for me. It’s that he couldn’t! My church family came alongside me during those difficult times, and that’s what Jesus is talking about. Today’s passage always confused me, but within the theme for this week, we know that family can’t always be there for you. But God can, and he is!

Father God, thank you for always being with us and never leaving us. Help us be there for each other during the good times and the tough times. AMEN.


Picture of Christina Pierce

Christina Pierce

I live in Fitzwilliam with my merchant marine engineer husband, our son, and my brother. I am the administrative assistant at Monadnock Covenant Church. I have a bachelor’s of science in marine engineering operations from Maine Maritime Academy. Before becoming a mom, I worked on a steam ship bringing grain to eastern countries in Africa. I have also worked on a military contracted vessel to bring supplies to our military personnel around the world, including Wales, Germany, Italy, and several countries in the Middle East. As a family, we do love to travel, especially by cruise ships. I love to read, knit, crochet, and watch Star Trek in the little spare time I have.

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