Jesus, Our Hope in Darkness

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, June 30
Psalm 130

Have you had sleepless nights? Not just the “I had too much coffee” sleeplessness, but the kind that results from anxiety, fear, or regrets. While we were in Central African Republic with Serve Globally, our home was invaded by armed robbers in the middle of the night. Thankfully, no one was hurt and only money was taken. But that violent intrusion on our family’s security left me dreading nightfall the next evening. It was in the dark, quiet of night that my anxious thoughts and worst-case scenarios kept me from the peace of sleep. That night, Psalm 130:6 became meaningful to me: “My soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning” (NRSV). I was watching closely for the agonizingly slow light of morning to calm my fears. In the same way, the psalmist waited for the redemption and forgiveness that we now know in Jesus, our bright morning star (Revelation 22:16).

Dear Jesus, thank you for the hope we have in the light of your salvation, even in our darkest hours. Amen.


Hope in Discipline

Monday, July 1
Lamentations 3:22-33

The context of today’s reading is a lament over the consequences of Israel’s sin: the destruction of Jerusalem by Babylon. The consequence of sin in our lives can be devastating. But God in his mercy and faithfulness disciplines his children. His goal is our repentance, restoration, salvation, healing, and making us into the people he created us to be. We are encouraged today to wait through the suffering of that discipline and learn what we must, with the hope that in our suffering the Lord’s purpose will be fulfilled.

The writer of today’s passage states that though he causes grief, the Lord does not do so willingly. As a parent, I take that to mean that the Lord does not take pleasure in inflicting pain on his children, but he knows it is necessary at times. In those times we can rely on God’s compassion as we wait through the discipline for his salvation.

Lord, help me to learn what you are teaching me. I thank you for disciplining me as a loving father. Amen.

Hope of Freedom in Christ

Tuesday, July 2
Mark 5:1-20

While serving in Central African Republic we had the privilege of hearing the testimony of a man who was raised in a community of animistic hunter-gatherers. He told us about demands made by the spirits of their ancestors as communicated through sorcerers. The spirits required a myriad of rituals and sacrifices under threat of illness or death of community members who did not comply.

But when the Word of God came to them telling of Jesus, who is far more powerful than any of the spirits, and of his sacrifice that paid the penalty of sin once for all, this man and his people group were overjoyed. They gladly surrendered their lives to the living God and experienced unprecedented freedom in Christ! Like the man in today’s reading who was freed from bondage to the legion of evil spirits, our new friend could not help but proclaim his newfound freedom.

Jesus, thank you for purchasing our freedom from slavery to false spirits! Amen.


Hope of Life in Christ

Wednesday, July 3
Mark 5:21-24, 35-43

“No! She can’t be dead!” My thoughts screamed out to God. She was a young mom with a baby and a toddler who needed her. I wondered if someone couldn’t just put hands over her and raise her back to life in Jesus’s name. Not me, I was just a teenager. Surely, someone in the church had enough faith to raise her back to life! But no. She was really gone. Horrible things happen, life goes on, and we don’t always get answers to our heart cries.

What I have since learned is that what is even more miraculous than raising a body to life is the resurrection power with which Jesus raises us who are dead in sin to life in him. The true miracle was when he was raised to life after his death on our behalf. And daily people all over the globe are experiencing spiritual resurrection to new life in Christ.

Jesus, creator and sustainer of life, thank you, for eternal, abundant life! Amen.

Sure Hope in Jesus

Thursday, July 4
Mark 5:25-34

Jesus was on an urgent call to heal an important religious leader’s dying daughter. The woman in today’s text had been suffering from a disease that had drained her resources and left her socially ostracized. She did not want to interrupt Jesus’s important mission, but she knew with certainty that if she only touched his clothing, she would be healed. Her hope in Jesus was sure.

In French the word “hope” can be translated either espoir, like hoping for good weather for today’s picnic, or esperance, like hoping with certainty of outcome, such as 1 Peter 1:13, “Set your hope [esperance] on…Jesus.”

Jesus could have allowed the woman’s healing to remain a secret. Instead, he took the time to draw attention to her healing so that she could also be restored socially.

Lord Jesus, thank you that even if you do not always answer our prayers the way we want, we have a sure hope that you will do far more than all we ask or imagine. Amen.


Hope through Generosity

Friday, July 5
2 Corinthians 8:7-15

In today’s reading, Paul encouraged the Corinthians to contribute generously to the Jerusalem church, reminding them that they might be the ones in need someday. When the members of Christ’s body, the church, look not only to their own interests but also to the interests of others (Philippians 4:2), Jesus’s selfless love is demonstrated. Paul reminded them that sometimes we are in the position to give and sometimes in the position to receive.

In the late 1970s, the people of my home church received Vietnamese refugees and helped them settle in Grand Rapids. A few years later, when I went to France in preparation for ministry in Africa, I was the one in need. People along my journey directed me to the train, led me through transfers at the stations, and then on to the language school where I was welcomed. In the body of Christ, we can hope to receive generosity as we in turn give generously.

Lord, help us to be generous as we demonstrate your selfless love to the world. Amen.

Hope of Joy

Saturday, July 6
Psalm 30

Have you ever gone through a particularly challenging trial and triumphed? There is a feeling of incredible joy in victory through such a battle. It seems the tougher the challenge, the greater the joy.

Last summer, as we were leaving Africa for the last time before retiring from over three decades of service on the continent, our children and their spouses met us in Tanzania to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. With the help of four guides and 28 porters, the eight of us took on the physical challenge and reached the 19,340-foot summit on the morning of the fifth day. We rejoiced greatly at that accomplishment!

Even more significant than a physical challenge like climbing a mountain is the spiritual battle to overcome temptation or addiction. Relatively speaking, the struggle is light and momentary, compared to the joy of victory (2 Corinthians 4:17).

Lord, thank you for the hope of joy in victory over sin through your Holy Spirit who gives us strength. Amen.


Picture of Janet Zeigelbaur

Janet Zeigelbaur

My husband, Ron, and I recently retired from more than 30 years with Serve Globally in Congo, Central African Republic, and most recently Cameroon at Rain Forest International School. All three of our children graduated from the school that serves missionary families as well as other expatriates and local Cameroonians. Michelle and her husband, Nate, live in Michigan’s upper peninsula; Nathan and his wife, Cassidy, live on the east side of Michigan, and Ben will marry his college sweetheart, Mikayla, on August 2. When we’re in the US, Grand Rapids is home, where we attend First Covenant Church, the church in which I was raised, confirmed, married, and have served in various ways. I love observing the beauty of creation in the countries where I’ve had the privilege to live and visit. I also enjoy photography, jigsaw puzzles, and family.

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