God Speaks Through Creation
Sunday, January 26
Psalm 19:1-6
Psalm 19 declares the beauty, complexity, and splendor of our world as a daily message from and about our Creator. Believers and skeptics live with different perspectives and allegiances, but we all have this in common: we can stand in awe of nature and the world we live in.
Today’s psalm helps us make this profound and life-altering connection: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands” (v. 1, NIV). God speaks to us powerfully, daily, clearly, and mysteriously through his creation. The wonder of nature indeed points to a wonderful Creator.
The next time you stand in awe on the edge of the ocean or on a majestic mountain, listen. Allow yourself to be amazed, blown away, stunned. Listen and hear the voice of God. Hear the declaration and proclamation of Psalm 19. All comes from an amazing God!
Lord, thank you for the majestic beauty of this world. Help me to see and hear you today in the wonder of your creation. AMEN.
God Speaks To The Community
Monday, January 27
Nehemiah 8:1-3
After many years of exile, the people of Israel returned to Jerusalem. Despite significant opposition, they were able to rebuild the city wall under the leadership of Nehemiah. The wall was completed, but there was more work to do among the people. In today’s passage we read about the people coming together to hear from God.
It can be a challenge for a community of people to hear God together. But sometimes that is exactly what needs to happen. The people came together for hours and “listened attentively” (v. 3).
The people showed up. They could have said, “We’re too tired.” But they put in the time. They could have said, “We’re too busy.” But they listened. They could have refused to listen in a spirit of humble dependence. What happened? The people’s act of listening to God together paved the way for future blessings for their community.
Lord, help me to be a person who can listen for and hear your voice within my community of faith. AMEN.
God Speaks With Greatness
Tuesday, January 28
Nehemiah 8:5-6
Your vision of God influences everything. It will shape your life profoundly, practically, daily, and eternally. It will influence where you go for your purpose, identity, values, strength, and hope.
The people of Israel sensed this truth when Ezra opened the book of the law and addressed them. The people stood up in response. When Ezra praised God, the people raised their hands. As Ezra declared God’s greatness, the people worshiped God and cried out, “Amen! Amen!”
(v. 6).
As their vision of God was clarified and declared, the people surrendered themselves to God in worship. We see here how God speaks to us through the pure force of God’s character and identity. As we capture a clearer vision of God, we too will be drawn to stand, listen, raise our hands, cry out with praise, and even bow down in awe of our amazing God.
Lord, help me to see your greatness with clarity and to respond with joyful and surrendered worship today. Amen.
God Speaks And Joy Flows
Wednesday, January 29
Nehemiah 8:8-10
Various circumstances can lead to personal joy. Joy can flow, even easily, when I feel the love of a friend, eat great food, hear a favorite song, or watch my sports team win. But can joy be a gift from God? Can joy even surprise us in times of difficulty?
Our desire for joy comes from being made in God’s very image (Genesis 1). We crave joy because God wired us this way. What a wonderful reality! The people of Israel experienced a divine calling to joy as they heard and understood God’s Word. In a moment of mourning and weeping, they heard God speak and call them into his joy!
Of course, there are times for mourning and healthy grief. But on this day people heard God speak and his joy flowed. God’s joy became a source of strength for people who mourn and grieve—people just like you and me.
Lord, thank you that you are a joyful and joy-giving God. Please give me your joy today. Amen.
God Speaks And We Are Transformed
Thursday, January 30
Psalms 19:7-10
Personal change can be hard to obtain. We develop undesirable characteristics, even addictions, that stay with us. The apostle Paul describes the challenge of wanting to change but often falling short (Romans 7:14-25). Today’s passage gives us hope! We learn that when God speaks, authentic transformation happens.
Our very souls can be refreshed. We receive new wisdom. Joy can fill our heart. God’s voice provides illumination to live in a dark world. Wow! No wonder the psalmist says when God speaks, those words are more precious than gold!
The gospel declares God’s love for each of us. God loves you just as you are, but God also loves you too much to let you stay that way. All of us can change and grow by God’s amazing words of grace and truth.
Lord, by your grace and truth do your transforming work in my life today. Amen.
God Speaks And I Surrender
Friday, January 31
Psalms 19:11-14
Like David, we struggle to “discern our errors,” and we wrestle with our “hidden faults” (v. 12). If unchecked, his “willful sins” (v. 13) would rule over him. Am I any different? I don’t think so. Like David, I need to hear God speak and I need to experience God’s mercy.
The liberating response we see here is surrender. We typically think of surrender as a forced response in the face of inevitable defeat. But David shows us how, in light of God and his words of truth, surrender can be a powerful gift.
When we surrender to God, we experience God’s touch deep in our heart. This begins to shape the words from our mouth and our daily thoughts. We become free of our need to please other people. As we surrender to God and God’s love for us, we discover God as our rock. We begin to live in the freedom of our commitment to please our gracious Redeemer.
Lord, thank you that as I surrender to you, you become my rock and my redeemer. Amen.
God Speaks And Hope Happens
Saturday, February 1
Luke 4:14-21
As Jesus began his public ministry he declared words of hope. Jesus spoke words of hope for the oppressed, the poor, the prisoner, and the blind.
We live in a broken world where hope is desperately needed but often in short supply. When we are hurting, we can feel alone. Despair can overwhelm us. We don’t need empty hype. We desperately need real hope.
Jesus described his words as “good news.” They are words of hope that are rooted in reality. God really is a loving God who knows us and understands our struggles. God cares for us in our weakness. Hope happens as God speaks because God is a God of hope.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).
Lord, help me to hear and receive your words of hope today. Amen.