Love Even When It’s Not Comfortable

Sunday, February 2
Luke 4:22-30

Jesus is often bold when it comes to demonstrating how to love others. In today’s passage, we see Jesus confidently proclaiming that his message and ministry is meant for far more than his hometown of Nazareth. The congregants in the synagogue that day were offended when Jesus drew the connection to Elijah and Elisha—prophets who were rejected by the “in crowd” and took their ministry to the marginalized widow and leper. Jesus introduced a radical new church that would be inclusive and compassionate.

This call by Jesus for the body of believers to encompass all people is a lesson for us today. How often do we boldly offer his message to those on the outside who don’t look like or act like us? Jesus shows us some tough love too. We must get out of the church and minister to a world that is desperate for what only Jesus can offer. The gospel is for everyone, not just those already in the church.

Jesus, thank you for pushing us to get out of our “comfortable” and join you in your redemptive mission in the world. Help us boldly go where you lead. Amen.

Jesus Loves Like No Other

Monday, February 3
Luke 4:31-40

“All the people were amazed and said to each other, ‘What words these are! With authority and power he gives orders to impure spirits and they come out!’ And the news about him spread throughout the surrounding area” (vv. 36-37, NIV).

This world can often leave us feeling stuck, struck down, or abandoned. We often look at all the wrong things in our attempts to improve our lives. But Jesus proves over and over again that he is the source of love, healing, and peace. We need our loving Savior to help us navigate the twists and turns of humankind. No friend, politician, family member, or boss can provide the love, compassion, and forgiveness Jesus offers. Jesus has authority over everything we face—financial trouble, overwhelming demands, addiction, or any other tool Satan uses to distract and destroy us.

Jesus, we lay ourselves at your feet and trust in your authority to make things new and right in our lives. Draw us to you each time we stumble or fall so that you can heal us and send us forth again in your name. Amen.

Be Still, Be With, Be Better

Tuesday, February 4
Luke 4:42-44

“At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place” (v. 42).

Making time to spend time with God in solitary places is critical to our spiritual health and well-being. We are so often running and busy—seemingly always a step away from disaster or burnout. Jesus shows us a better way. He begs us to work from a place of rest instead of resting from our work. He invites us with a still, small voice to quiet places where we can be ministered to and hear him more clearly. Jesus knows his mission, but he also knows his need for time with God. He prioritizes both. I fear we sometimes prioritize neither and fall prey to the distractions of this world.

How would our lives, families, work, and mission be strengthened if we loved Jesus enough to spend time with him? What if we set aside the to-do lists and sat quietly at the feet of the King? It could make a world of difference!

Lord, draw us to solitary places with you. Allow us to be healed and sent out whole in your love. Amen.

Joy Grows In Good Soil

Wednesday, February 5 
Luke 8:8-15

Good soil brings joy and abundance—literally and figuratively. When we plant crops, we take care to prepare the soil and then tend it as we seek a bountiful harvest. The same is true with the Word of God. When I prepare the soil of my heart by creating space and time to be in God’s Word and hear his voice, the Scripture forms deep roots that are not easily dug up or dried out. Preparing the soil lets me dig into the Scriptures as I seek to love others well and share the insights God gives me through the Word. When I speak from a place of love and tended soil, Jesus can speak through me and grow his kingdom. I simply become a vessel to share his message of love, forgiveness, and mercy in a dark and hurting world.

Jesus, thank you for the parable that reminds us to tend good soil for your Word. Help us to prayerfully find time to be with you and commit your Scriptures into the very fabric of our beings. Amen.

Know Your Why

Thursday, February 6
1 Corinthians 13:1-3

“If I speak in the tongues of humans and of angels but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal” (v. 1, NRSV).

All we need is love and Jesus. This passage reminds us that love must undergird everything we think, do, and speak. Our culture is full of “resounding gongs” and people who do things only so they can boast about it on social media or within their sphere of influence. Somehow works have taken on more meaning than the love that should drive our works and words. In order to truly demonstrate love, we need to take on the humbleness of Jesus. It is important to understand our why. Why are we speaking? Why are we prophesying? Why are we giving to the poor? If it is to be noticed or praised, we have lost sight of our why. If it is to be a living example of the love of Jesus for every person, then we are in sync with Jesus and partnering with him in mission. In all things, we lead in love and not for the sake of being recognized or praised. Selfish gains do not please our Father. He invites us to love because he first loved us.

Jesus, help us to love like you do and to seek your praise alone. Amen.

Love Chooses The Higher Good

Friday, February 7
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

The bold definition of love in this passage is one we may struggle with at times. How often are we impatient with loved ones, friends, or coworkers? How easily angered are we because someone cuts us off in traffic? If we are honest, we often keep track of a list of wrongs against us written on our hearts. At times, it can seem impossible to live up to the way this passage defines love. However, all things are possible when we walk with Jesus. He does not expect us to be perfect, but he does expect us to try to love this way. If we truly love Jesus, we will focus on hope and perseverance as we love those he has placed in our path. Love requires us to be bold and to choose the higher good for the other person. That is what Jesus modeled when he died for us on the cross. He chose the higher good for us and protected us from certain ruin. The challenge is to keep this definition of love close and prayerfully work to fulfill all parts of it in our relationships.

Jesus, we need your example to love the way you ask. Let your deepest love flow through us to a hurting world. Amen.

Love Is Living Water

Saturday, February 8
1 Corinthians 13:8-13

The greatest need of every person on the planet is love. When people feel truly loved, they are freed to become their best and truest self. Jesus loves us in part so that we can live into who he truly created each of us to be. For us to comprehend and experience his love, we must profess faith in his Word and promises. We will not have all the answers, but through hope in Christ, we can experience his love and pass that on to those living in a parched wasteland in search of living water. Faith, hope, and love are the only ways to live in the kingdom of God. When we are transparent with people about our faith and the hope we have in Jesus, the love of Christ will flow through our conversations, actions, and the life choices we make. Let us boldly love like Jesus and bring God’s kingdom to a dark and hurting world.

Lord, help us to remember the importance of love for you, ourselves, and others. Let us seek you daily for encouragement in how to love like you do. Amen.

Picture of Lynda Randolph

Lynda Randolph

I am a bivocational pastor living in Washington State. I am in my thirty-fourth year of teaching middle school. I serve on the leadership team at Faith Covenant Church in Sumner and as a contractor with the Covenant under Serve Locally. In my ministry job, I coordinate the pH Check church health survey, consult with pastors, and facilitate workshops for Missional Vitality around the country. I have two grown sons and a daughter-in-law who are the loves of my life.

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