
Sunday, March 23
Psalm 102:11-12, 18-22

I was part of a campus ministry in college and participated in its leadership. We always had a retreat right before the fall quarter began.
At this retreat, when I was just beginning my final year of college, one of the staff gathered all the seniors for a special chat. The question she asked us to think about as we went through our final year was, “What do you want your legacy to be?” All year, my friends and I would come back to that question.

The exact author of this psalm of lament is not clear. What is clear is that they (the psalmist and God’s people) are in a challenging situation. Even in the midst of those challenges, verse 18 encourages keeping a record of what God has done so that others can see how God has been faithful and kept promises. That sounds like a testimony to me—sharing how God is at work in your life so that others might be encouraged or strengthened. Who might the Holy Spirit be prompting you to share the legacy of Christ’s work in your life with?

Holy Spirit, would our ears be tuned to you as we go through this day. Empower us to share of your work in our life when you prompt us to speak. Amen.


Monday, March 24
Psalm 102:25-28

I tend to hold onto things until they absolutely cannot be used anymore, mostly to avoid being wasteful. If a shirt has a stain, I can save it to wear under a sweater. If there is a hole, I will do what I can to mend it. Lucky for me, visible mending is trendy! At the end of the day, things are temporary. They do not last forever.

We can see the mountains and the stars in the sky, God’s mighty creations, and be reminded that they were there long before us and will remain long after us. Yet even the things that God created—the heavens and the earth—will not last forever. Unlike all created things, God is everlasting. The psalmist also reminds us that God’s character and purpose are unchanging. Even when we grow tired or get antsy waiting to see God’s promises fulfilled, we can rest assured that God is faithfully at work. How have you seen God’s promised fulfilled? What are you still waiting to see God do?

Creator God, remind us today that you are everlasting and unchanging. Help us to remember your faithfulness. Amen.


Tuesday, March 25
Isaiah 55:1-5

Today is the Annunciation, the day in the Christian calendar that demarcates Mary being visited by an angel, learning she would become pregnant and eventually give birth to our Savior. This was quite an invitation that Mary was given, and she said yes to God.

Our passage today also offers an extraordinary invitation and foreshadows the coming of Jesus into the world. The words that struck me were: “come,” “listen,” and “behold” (ESV). These words are an invitation to God’s kingdom and blessings. Behold, it is through Jesus that all kinds of people are attracted to God’s kingdom and brought into relationship with God. What strikes you from this passage? What is the Holy Spirit inviting you into?

Lord, thank you for the gift of Jesus and the humility of your servant Mary. Embolden us to say yes to your invitation to participate in your kingdom work. Amen.


Wednesday, March 26
Isaiah 55:6-9

A few years ago, I received a diamond painting kit as a gift. Diamond painting is a craft where you place small rhinestones on a canvas. It is like paint by numbers but with tiny, glittery bits in lots of different colors. Working on the painting, I would get so focused on the color stone I was placing that when I would stop, pull back, and look at the canvas as a whole, I was always amazed at how it was coming together. Do you ever get so focused on something that you lose the bigger picture?

All are invited to know God. All are in need of forgiveness. The English Standard Version uses the word “abundantly” in verse 7. Our God abundantly forgives. What’s the bigger picture here? Perhaps either receiving or giving forgiveness is a challenge for you. The passage continues, saying God’s ways and thoughts are above ours. There is great humility required in both asking for and extending forgiveness, as well as in recognizing our limitations as humans. How have you experienced God’s abundant forgiveness? Is there anything you want to say to God about forgiveness?

Forgiving God, you are wise in all your thoughts and ways. Enable us to accept your forgiveness for us and to extend forgiveness to all. Amen.


Thursday, March 27
Luke 13:1-9

My brother and sister-in-law have a fig tree in their backyard. When they moved in, the tree was exploding with fruit! The harvest of figs went to neighbors, friends, and anyone else who would take them. In the years since they moved in, however, the fig tree has produced little to no fruit. None of us is a gardener or botanist, so it is not totally clear why it has stopped producing fruit.

In today’s passage, Jesus is interacting with people about an incident with Pilate and some Galileans. Jesus is compassionate to the suffering, but in verse 5 he makes a bigger argument to those listening: Repent because all will perish. The parable of the fig tree is symbolic of Israel’s need to repent and what will happen without repentance. Will loosening the soil help to get the tree the water and nutrients needed to produce fruit? Do you have anything you need to repent of?

Jesus, loosen the soil of hearts that have hardened. Amen.


Friday, March 28
Psalm 63:1-8

Death Valley is one of the harshest environments on earth. On average it gets less than two inches of rain per year. Even with so little rain, each spring beautiful wildflowers bloom. About once a decade there is a superbloom in Death Valley, and the desert is covered with the gorgeous colors of various varieties of wildflowers. Seeing these desert blooms is on my bucket list.

This psalm from David begins as if it will be a lament but becomes an outpouring of praise and confident expectation. David wrote this psalm during his time in the desert. Surely he was worn down by the challenging environment. He writes of missing the sanctuary where corporate worship happened. Like the beauty of flowers in the desert, David reminds us of the beauty of worshiping and looks toward what it will be like to worship again when he is no longer on the run. Have you experienced times in a desert place? What was it like to worship God during and after that time?

God, your love is better than life. You inspire us to worship you today in the desert places and in fields of wildflowers. Amen.


Saturday, March 29
1 Corinthians 10:1-13

It seems as if every few weeks we hear a story in the news about some respected leader who has had a fall from grace. We all come up against situations that tempt us to sin. Do you notice any patterns in your life where you tend to give in to temptation?

Paul shares the example of the Israelites who witnessed and experienced the power of God yet still were not able to remain faithful to God. They walked through the parted Red Sea. They followed God through the wilderness. They ate and drank what the Lord provided. But even after all of that, they fell short. Paul also points out some places he sees the Corinthians falling into temptation. What types of temptations do you imagine Paul would point out to the church today?

Praise God that God always provides a way out of the temptations that we face and grace for when we fail.

Holy Spirit, speak loudly to us so that we hear your voice, pause, and find strength in you when we are tempted. Amen.

Picture of Katie Falgien

Katie Falgien

I recently moved to Chicago after having lived in the San Francisco Bay Area my entire life. After I had served for ten years in youth and young adult ministry at Hope Center Covenant Church in Pleasant Hill, California, God called me into a new role as the managing editor of resources and curriculum for the Covenant. Packing up and moving with my dog to Chicago has been a very exciting adventure! California will always have my heart, but I love getting to know the different neighborhoods of Chicago and discovering cool coffee shops and restaurants. I am slowly trying to visit every museum in the city. I love to read, cook, and bake. I also enjoy doing paint by numbers (since I have no real art skills). I graduated from North Park Theological Seminary through the Ignite program with my master’s in Christian formation in 2023. I am also a licensed Covenant pastor.

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